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Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

Titel: Mind Over Matter Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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built so quickly was gone again, just through a touch.
    She was content to leave her car in the lot, thinking that sometime the next day, they’d drive back into town and arrange things. Pleased just to be with him again, she stopped at his car while he unlocked the doors.
    “Haven’t you been home yet?” she asked, noticing a suitcase in the back seat.
    She started to smile, delighted that he’d wanted to see her first, but she glanced over her shoulder again as she stepped into the car. “I have a case just like that.”
    David settled in the seat, then turned on the ignition. “That is your case.”
    “Mine?” Baffled, she turned around and looked closer. “But—I don’t remember you borrowing one of my suitcases.”
    “I didn’t. Mine are in the trunk.” He eased out of the lot and merged with clogged L.A. weekend traffic.
    “Well, if you didn’t borrow it, what’s it doing in your car?”
    “I stopped by your place on the way. Your housekeeper packed for you.”
    “Packed…” She stared at the case. When she turned to him, her eyes were narrowed. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, Brady. Just where do you come off packing my clothes and assuming—”
    “The housekeeper packed them. Nice lady. I thought you’d be more comfortable over the weekend with some of your own things. I had thought about keeping you naked, but that’s a little tricky when you take walks in the woods.”
    Because her jaw was beginning to ache, she relaxed it. “You thought? You didn’t think at all. You drop by the office and calmly assume that I’ll drop everything and run off with you. What if I’d had plans?
    “Then that would’ve been too bad.” He swung easily off the ramp toward the hills.
    “Too bad for whom?”
    “For the plans.” He punched in the car lighter and sent her a mild smile. “I have no intention of letting you out of my sight for the next three days.”
    “You have no intention?” The fire was rising as she shifted in her seat toward him. “What about my intention? Maybe you think it’s very male and macho to just—just bundle a woman off for a weekend without asking, without any discussion, but I happen to prefer being consulted. Stop the car.”
    “Not a chance.” David had expected this reaction. Even looked forward to it. He touched the lighter to the tip of his cigarette. He hadn’t enjoyed himself this much for days. Since the last time he’d been with her.
    Her breath came out in a long, slow hiss. “I don’t find abductions appealing.”
    “Didn’t think I did, either.” He blew out a lazy stream of smoke. “Guess I was wrong.”
    She flopped back against her seat, arms folded. “You’re going to be sorry.”
    “I’m only sorry I didn’t think of it before.” With his elbow resting lightly on the open window, he drove higher into the hills, with A.J. fuming beside him. The minute he stopped the car in his drive, A.J. pushed open her door, snatched her purse up and began to walk. When he grabbed her arm, she spun around, holding the pastel-dyed leather like a weapon.
    “Want to fight?”
    “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction.” She yanked her arm out of his hold. “I’m walking back.”
    “Oh?” He look a quick look at the slim skirt, thin hose and fragile heels. “You wouldn’t make it the first mile in those shoes.”
    “That’s my problem.”
    He considered a minute, then sighed. “I guess we’ll just carry through with the same theme.” Before she realized his intention, he wrapped an arm around her waist and hauled her over his shoulder.
    Too stunned to struggle, she blew hair out of her eyes. “Put me down.”
    “In a few minutes,” he promised as he walked toward the house.
    “Now.” She whacked him smartly on the back with her purse. “This isn’t funny.”
    “Are you kidding?” When he stuck his key in the lock, she began to struggle. “Easy, A.J., you’ll end up dropping on your head.”
    “I’m not going to tolerate this.” She tried to kick out and found her legs pinned behind the knee. “David, this is degrading. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but if you get hold of yourself now, I’ll forget the whole thing.”
    “No deal.” He started up the steps.
    “I’ll give you a deal,” she said between her teeth as she made a futile grab for the railing. “If you put me down now, I won’t kill you.”
    “Right now.”
    “Okay.” With a quick twist of his body, he had her

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