Modern Mind
Connor, John, 383
Conquest, Robert, 316;
The Great Terror,
New Lines,
Conrad, Joseph, 99, 182, 234, 245, 714, 768;
Heart of Darkness,
Coolidge, Calvin, 208
Cooper, David, 502
Cooper, Lane, 726
Copenhagen: Institute of Theoretical Physics, 256–8
Corner, George Washington, 426
Cornford, Frances, 152
Cornwell, John, 701
Cottingham, E. T., 184–5
Courant, Richard, 352, 362
Cowell, Henry, 513
Crane, Diana:
Transformation of the Avant-Garde,
Crete: Arthur Evans in, 15–17
Crick, Francis, 375, 478–81, 614, 703;
The Astonishing Hypothesis,
Cro-Magnon, France, 370–1
Croce, Benedetto, 65
Crosland, Alan, 326
Crosland, Anthony, 447
Crossman, Richard, 447
Crystal, David:
English as a Global Language,
Cuba: missile crisis (1962), 445, 517, 566
Cullen, Countee, 216
‘Culture, Ideas, Values’ (CIV) university course (Stanford), 731
Cunard, Nancy, 416
Cunliffe, Marcus, 704, 717
Cunningham, Merce, 510, 512–15
d’Abernon, Edgar Vincent, Viscount, 229
Dachau, 311
Daily Mail
(London), 339
Dal Co, Francesco, 622
Dale, Henry, 473
Dalí, Salvador, 204, 307
Dalton, Hugh, 384
Dalton, John, 2, 20
Dameshek, William, 660
Darlington, C. D., 319, 321
Darrow, Clarence, 207
Dart, Raymond, 371
Darwin, Charles: attacked by Catholic Church, 67; Conrad and, 48; cynicism, 759; Dennett idealises, 3, 694; effect on American life, 453; effect on religious thinking, 53, 188; Freud follows, 13; Hofmannsthal and, 30; influence on Hitler, 242; influence on playwrights, 346; Marx admires, 474; Mendel and, 18; Nietzsche and, 40; Picasso and, 60–1; revolutionary idea, 13; and Scopes trial (Tennessee), 207; Skinner and, 496; universality, 756;
On the Origin of Species,
40, 65, 122, 246, 371–2
Darwin, Major Leonard, 113
Davenport, Charles B., 113
Davidson, Basil:
Old Africa Rediscovered,
462, 556–7, 713
Davie, Donald, 464
Davies, Arthur, 126–7
Davis, Marion, 348
Davis, Natalie Zemon, 736
Davis, Sammy, Jr, 523
Davis, Stuart, 86
Dawkins, Richard, 616–17, 692–3, 696;
The Blind Watchmaker,
The Selfish Gene,
619–20, 651, 693
Day Lewis, Cecil, 332, 334
Debord, Guy:
Society of the Spectacle,
Debussy, Claude, 23, 56, 58–9, 130–1, 142
Dedalus, Stephen (fictional character), 194–5
de Forest, Lee, 477
Degas, Edgar: sale of paintings (1917), 175
Degenerate Art (and Music) exhibitions
see Entartete Kunst
de Kooning, Willem, 355, 511–12
Delaunay, Robert, 63, 129
de Man, Paul, 730, 735
Denby, David:
Great Books,
Denby, Edward, 354
Dennett, Daniel, 3, 616, 692, 696, 701, 703;
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea,
Derain, André, 60, 62, 144, 409
Derrida, Jacques, 627, 630–1, 633, 637, 708, 735
Desai, Anita, 715, 762;
The Village by the Sea,
Deutsch, Helene, 505
Deutsche Hochschule für Politik, 223, 226
de Valera, Eamon, 373
Devine, George, 463
Dewey, John, 41, 77–8, 281–2, 670, 672
Diaghilev, Serge, 130–1, 164, 199, 357
Diamond, Jared: Guns, Germs and Steel,
752–3, 755
Dichter, Ernest, 446
Dicke, Robert, 570
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, 174
Diederichs, Eugen, 240
Dietrich, Marlene, 221
Dillingham Commission (USA, 1910), 116
Diop, C. A.: The African Origin of Civilisation,
Dior, Christian, 414
Dirac, Paul, 258, 373, 508
Dix, Otto, 157, 163, 300, 302, 351
Dobb, Maurice:
Studies in the Development of Capitalism
, 561
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 371, 372
Dodge, Mabel, 126–7, 142
Dollimore, Jonathan and Alan Sinfield:
Political Shakespeare, 716–17
Dongen, Kees van, 409
Doniol-Valcroze, Jacques, 636
Donleavy, J.P.:
The Ginger Man,
Doppler, Christian, 265
Dos Passos, John, 334, 347
Douglas, J. W. B.:
All Our Future,
Douglas-Hamilton, Ian, 611–12
Douglass, Andrew Ellicott, 252–3
Dove, Arthur, 63
Dreiser, Theodore, 285, 334, 453;
Dresden, 52, 54
Dreyfus, Alfred, 24, 45, 327
d’Souza, Dinesh:
Illiberal Education,
Dublin, 194
Duboar, King of Benin, 49
Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 109–12, 121, 124, 215–16, 283, 654;
Souls of Black Folk, 110
Dubos, René, 583
Dubuffet, Jean, 414
Duchamp, Marcel, 128, 162, 512, 514;
Nude Descending a Staircase, 1
Dudley, John, 398
Dulbecco, Renato, 700
Duncan, Isadora, 24
Dunn, Linwood, 348
Dunoyer de Segonzac, André, 409
Du Pont Company, 343
Duras, Marguerite, 638
Durkheim, Emile, 65, 599
Dutschke, Rudi, 536
Dworkin, Andrea, 531–2
Dworkin, Ronald:
Taking Rights Seriously,
644–5, 650–1, 656
Dylan, Bob, 523, 584
Dyson, Sir Frank, 184–5
Eagleton, Terry, 716
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