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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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many of the guests were emancipists. This fact was a sore point with the free settlers, who kept themselves apart in their own little clique.
    "How they jostle for the opportunity to pass the time with the Governor and his good lady," one man remarked with a smirk.
    But Isabella noticed the Governor was totally impartial and spoke easily with every group. "I can't believe he mingles with everyone, no matter their station," she whispered to Tiger.
    "Macquarie has upset not a few free settlers with his forward thinking, Bella. He makes no bones about his concept that once a sentence is served, ex-convicts should be helped to take part in the growth of the colony. After all, we make up a large percentage of the population. And yon is Thompson. He was made Magistrate, infuriating some. See that fellow there and the man in grey talking to the matron in purple silk." Tiger pointed discreetly, and she nodded. "They're both in public service positions. Caused quite a few squabbles among the so-called gentry too. Even some of the officers in the King's Corps frown on the Governor treating all people in the colony as equals."
    "How long since he came here?"
    "He's been Governor for nine years come the New Year, and he's made his presence felt. He's done great things for the colony, built many fine buildings with Greenway's knowledge. He was responsible for our first bank, and for importing ten thousand pounds' worth of Spanish dollars." Tiger took a coin from his pocket and turned it over in his fingers. "That's where we got our holey dollar from."
    "Thelma told me about the way he had the middle punched out of them." Isabella touched it with a finger.
    "Aye. And, most important of all, his vision of extending the colony beyond the mountains has become reality." Tiger popped the coin back in his pocket.
    Overhearing, one of Tiger's friends asked, "How long before we're to be allowed to move inland, d'you reckon? Is land to be granted only to the damned Exclusives?"
    Isabella knew that was the name given to the free settlers who thought they were a cut above the emancipists.
    While Tiger discussed all possibilities with his friend, she watched the proceedings with interest.
    When there was a lull in the conversation she commented, " Mrs. Macquarie's lovely." She'd been noting how that lady wandered from group to group on her husband's arm, graciously acknowledging everyone.
    "Aye, she is. Rumor has it the lady is a lover of bonnets, an' when she wishes the ear of her husband while he is in his office she's been known to toss one of them in. If he sends the bonnet flying out she takes it as a sign he's busy."
    Isabella laughed. "Is this true, sir, or do you tease me?"
    "Aye 'tis what I've been told." Tiger nodded seriously, but Isabella noted his eyes twinkled.
    "And what if he doesn 't toss the bonnet out the door?" she asked.
    "Why, then the good lady goes right in, I suppose, and states her business. She 's said to be very interested in gardening and agriculture. 'Tis said she brought books with her from Scotland, and has helped her husband plan all the buildings he's had built."
    He reached for her hand, tucking it into the crook of his arm again. Isabella shot him a glance of surprise, but he seemed to ignore it, keeping her hand firmly on his arm by placing his own warm one atop it.
    "Can't beat a good woman's aid, eh, Tiger?" a man named Perkins commented, nudging the man next to him and winking.
    "No doubt a woman has many uses." Tiger grinned down at Isabella. Blushing, she frowned and tried to retrieve her trapped hand, but he refused to relinquish it.
    "Heard old Frobisher's getting spliced after the new year." Perkins sighed dramatically. "They get their talons into us one way or another." He shrugged and Isabella shot him a look of disdain, as did the young girl at his side who'd been introduced as his cousin from England, recently arrived in the colony.
    "What say you, Tiger? When you thinking of taking a wife, eh?" Speculatively he ran his eyes over Isabella.
    Tiger looked around. "Seems here in the colony a man has to get himself tied to a woman whether 'tis his fancy or not. I have it in mind to pick one of those prissy young maidens eyeing us to work out which one of us is the better catch."
    For a moment Isabella felt quite ill. True, Thelma had acquainted her with Tiger 's intentions, and he'd certainly made no secret of his desire to marry a nob's daughter. But stated so bluntly it sent her hopes plummeting.

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