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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
It was sickening that so many women were at this very moment literally ogling the available men. And their eyes rested on Tiger more than any other man present. But why should she be so upset? Tiger wouldn't give her a second thought as far as marriage went. No, one day she would have to face up to the stark truth and settle for second best.
    "I reckon our little Prudence Bacon would be about the best choice. What say you, Tiger?" a man named Barclay said snidely, nodding to a young woman in a purple gown that did not flatter her at all. "The wench is due to inherit a tidy sum on her old man 's death, which shouldn't be too far into the future, or so I hear. Her Mama is a dragon, but once you get everything signed and sealed you can pack her off back to England out of your way."
    Tiger glanced across at the woman under discussion. Isabella gave him a look of scorn and he shrugged his broad shoulders.
    "Come, Bella, they are playing a simple reel, let 's dance."
    "I 'm tired." She refused to meet his eyes. They both knew she lied.
    "This evening no one is allowed to be tired."  Pressing a hand over hers, he nodded to the group at large and escorted her to where the other dancers were forming. Her earlier joyousness had faded and she began to falter, tripping on his feet.
    "I don't want to do this," she mumbled.
    Tiger merely shrugged. "You 're an obstinate little chit, and for once in your life you will just obey me and enjoy yourself." He grinned at her so devilishly she was forced to return his grin with a small one of her own.
    "And you ’re the most insufferably arrogant man it's ever been my misfortune to meet."
    "Aye," he agreed. "We do tend to be a bit like the blacksmith with his anvil, don 't we? Each sending sparks off the other."
    His mouth twisted ruefully, and she concentrated on the wall beyond his shoulder. Right at this moment the sparks flying between them would fair set her alight. But he was set on marrying the likes of Prudence Bacon, so why was she letting him have this effect on her? Fool.
    "Why aren 't you off dancing with the miss in the purple gown who will likely be your bride?"
    "Plenty of time," he said, maneuvering her into a fancy turn. "The night is young."
    Isabella 's heart sank like a stone. That was why he'd brought her along this night. It had little to do with liking her company. He wanted to court Miss Prudence Bacon and couldn't do that if he'd brought his mistress.
    When the dance finished he handed Isabella into the care of his friend Barclay, an insipid man with an oversized impression of his own importance, while he danced with the colorless Prudence Bacon. Isabella refused Barclay's invitation to dance. She doubted she would be able to manage one turn around the floor on anyone's arm but Tiger's.
    "Would you care to go in for supper now?"
    Isabella jumped as Tiger touched her elbow. The man moved with the stealth of the animal he was named after.
    Silently she allowed him to escort her into the banquet room, where an array of food was laid out on spotless white linen cloths. From then onwards Tiger remained by her side. Isabella decided she would forget a bout all the wealthy maidens watching him avidly and pretend he was hers, if only for this one night. Like a princess allowed one fragment of time with her prince she took each moment and wrapped it into a part of her heart to be taken out and examined once the dream was over.

    Chapter Fourteen
    All too soon they were in the buggy and Tiger was turning it for home.
    They 'd passed Hyde Park and the horse was trotting briskly along Elizabeth Street when Isabella could stand the silence between them no longer.
    Glancing at him she said softly, "I had a grand time."
    "Hate to say it, but I told you so." 
    "Thank you for being insistent." Isabella took a deep breath of the fresh midnight air.
    "I know what's best for you, Bella. Always will." He patted one of her gloved hands. The patronizing gesture infuriated her.
    "Now why did you have to spoil it all by being your usual conceited self?" Unthinkingly, she slapped his thigh.
    "I am what I am ." He lifted his shoulders indolently. "Neither of us will ever change, I think."
    "I 've changed," she said, looking at the shaft of light thrown by the carriage lantern. She spotted a pair of eyes staring from beneath a bush, but they were soon swallowed up in the darkness.
    "Oh yes, your hair has grown and you look exceptionally fetching in your fine clothes, but you

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