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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
until she couldn't breathe. Pinning her arms above her head he started to press inside her again. Isabella screamed, an agonizing sound that gurgled up from her throat.
    "Jesus. Shut up," he roared, and when that didn't stop her he clasped both of her wrists in one hand and brought the other back to slap her full across the mouth with the back of it.
    The door suddenly thumped back on its hinges and Tiger yelled, "What in heaven's name is going on in here?"
    Dougal was so deep in the throes of his release that for a minute he ignored Tiger. But as he groaned and spilled his seed into Isabella he turned his face to stare up at Tiger, who stood at the end of the bed. Never had Isabella seen such a look in Tiger 's eyes. If she hadn't known better she would have thought he was ready to murder Dougal.
    "Get out," Dougal ordered hoarsely, rolling onto his back. Isabella tried to cover herself; futilely, for the sheet was caught beneath Dougal. A dark tide of shame washed over her and she moaned, wishing she were dead.
    Tiger left, but a moment later returned with a cloth, which he handed to Isabella. "Wipe the blood off your mouth," he ordered, his face grim as death as he glared at Dougal, who still lay with his legs spread, flaunting his nakedness.
    "Cover yourself." Reaching down, Tiger picked up her nightgown and passed it to her. Isabella caught a fleeting look of pain on his face before he masked it. "You too, man." With an angry oath he dragged the sheet from under Dougal and flung it over him.
    Dougal wiped a hand over his face, then sat up, the sheet draped over his lower body. "This is all your fault." He shook a fist at Tiger.
    "My fault? Come, man, surely you can 't blame me for your behavior. You acted no better than an animal."
    Dougal muttered a vile word and Isabella wondered where her shipboard friend had gone; the one who was always so patient, caring, and devoted. Never had she heard him use such language.
    "If you'd controlled your lust she would have come willingly to me," Dougal went on. "But no, the great lover Tiger Carstairs has to win every willing female in these parts. Why couldn't you leave well alone? She would have grown to love me one day." Dropping his head into his hands he groaned.
    Tiger pounced on him, dragging him up by the shoulders. The sheet fell to the floorboards, but neither man seemed to notice. Tiger 's exclamation was like a growl as he bit out, "You can't make anyone love you if they haven't the feeling in them. You're a fool Dougal. Why didn't you take it gently, then perhaps she would have grown to care for you? But let me tell you I'll have no man in my house who takes a fist to a woman. Put one finger on her in anger again and I'll have you flogged. And this isn't an idle threat, believe me. You may be a free man, but I'll still see you get what you deserve."
    Dougal stumbled, falling onto his hands. Standing, he took his trousers from the peg and tugged the m on, sneering, "Have no fear—I've no more fancy to share her bed. Lord knows why I've pined after her all this time." He gave Isabella a look of repugnance. "You're welcome to the trollop." He stormed from the room.
    For long moments Tiger stood looking at Isabella 's hunched form. She looked like a trapped animal. Feeling like the lowest form of animal himself he went and touched a finger to her shoulder. She shrank back as if he'd hit her.
    "I 'm sorry," he said, but she curled into a ball and for all he knew hadn't even heard him.
    Dougal was right. This was his fault. But who 'd have thought such a kindly person would turn into a monster. Perhaps all men had a streak of the animal in them. Even one as seemingly subdued as Dougal.
    Even while he deplored Dougal 's actions some dark part of him reveled in the knowledge that Isabella had given herself willingly to him, yet fought not to yield to her new husband. Something wasn't right, for if she'd grown acquainted with whoring while at Selena's then surely she would have no problem coupling with Dougal, who'd always so blatantly adored her.
    Could he have made a horrendous mistake?
    "Bella, are you all right?" he asked quietly.
    Wiping the cloth across her eyes she turned slowly to face him. A sneer twisted her beautiful mouth. "Aye. But I 'd be much better if I was miles away from here. I wish more than anything in life I didn't have to set my eyes on your hateful face again. And I don't wish to be a wife to Dougal. Can you get me unmarried as swiftly as you

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