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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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to set a candle on the chest beside the bed. She swallowed when he stood at her side, his scent all around her. He 'd pulled on his trousers, but nothing else. The golden strands of his hair were tangled and sleep messed.
    "Course 'tis." Isabella pulled a face. "You'd best get out of here afore Thelma starts to bustle about. Dougal will ride for the doctor, but she'll tell him when."
    Another pain cramped through her, and she hunched over, her arms about her middle. In a trice Tiger was on his knees in front of her.
    "Is it bad?" he asked, his brows furrowed. He had a hand on each of her knees, then as if it suddenly occurred to him where they were he removed them, with an awkwardness totally out of character.
    "I 've felt better," Isabella mumbled.
    "What can I do?" His earnest inquiry stunned her.
    Isabella stared at him. "You actually spoke to me? Did my ears hear right? Did Tiger Carstairs really ask me, the whore who's about to give birth to his child, if he could do anything to help her?"
    "Don 't start that again." He stood over her, making her feel tiny and vulnerable.
    "Do you know what today is?" she asked, looking up at him sideways.
    "September the eighteenth. What's that got to do with anything?" He frowned.
    "Everything, as a matter of fact. I told you all along this child is yours, Tiger." She pointed a finger at him. "This proves it."
    "It proves nothing. The baby 's most likely early."
    She shook her head in disbelief. "Have you looked at the size of me lately? Unless I have three babies inside me I couldn 't be much bigger. You're a stubborn devil, Tiger Carstairs. Get out. I don't need you, and I don't want you. Dougal's my husband. He'll take care of me."
    For a moment he stood as if undecided. Then, with one more odd glance, he left. Isabella let out a long sigh, rocking backwards and forwards, her arms folded across her breasts.
    Thelma rushed in, Dougal right behind her. "Tiger's going for Doc Neale. He offered to go so's Dougal could be with you. How's it going, Bella?"
    "Not so bad. I think I 'll walk about. Have we got everything ready?" She pushed herself up, a hand on her lower back.
    "Don 't worry about a thing, lovey. We have it all set up, just like the doctor told us." Thelma put an arm about Isabella's waist and the two of them paced the kitchen.
    * * *
    Tiger pounded on the door of Doctor Neale's house. It was unusual, he knew, for the doctor to be summoned for women in childbirth, but Thelma told him how Bella mistrusted the midwife. Let people talk, he wasn't about to put a woman who was in his care in danger. Doctor Neale was a close friend, as well as his physician. The man had asked no questions when Tiger first broached the subject of his attending at the birth.
    "All right, all right. What is it?" The doctor opened the door and squinted out, a candle held high.
    "'Tis Bella, Neale. She's started. Thelma said for you to come straight away." Tiger stepped into the kitchen.
    "How long since her pains began?" Neale walked back into his bedroom as he fired the question, pulling his trousers on as he came out.
    "Just a while before I left. I think. Dougal was after coming, but I told him to stay with her." Tiger went from foot to foot jerkily, then stopped moving about when he saw his friend's smile. Neale patted his arm.
    "Just where a husband should be. With his wife when she produces his first child. How 's the boy standing up? I've yet to see a first time father who hasn't got himself in a fever of anxiety." He chuckled as he pushed his shirttail into the waistband of his trousers. He gave Tiger a mischievous grin. "You look slightly anxious yourself, my good man. Anybody would think you had a hand in the proceedings."
    Picking up his leather bag he ushered Tiger out, then closed the door, so missing the look Tiger shot at him. The good doctor was far too perceptive for his own good.
    "I'll saddle my mare. Be with you in a minute." 
    Soon they were cantering towards the farm. There was little time for talking, but as they dismounted Tiger caught Neale by the arm. "Just one thing, Doc. Could this baby be early? Would you say there 's a good chance that it's coming too soon?"
    "Too soon? Ah, I see." Neale nodded twice. "You mean because the pair of them didn 't wed 'til March. Well, there are not many that wait 'til after the priest has joined them before God, if that's your meaning. No, the lass is far too big for it to be a premature birth. I'd say the child was

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