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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
girl screamed and thrashed on the ground of an Academy cafeteria, held down by Regulators on both sides. All the other students watched passively, faces mute of any emotion at the scene playing out before them. The girl looked like she was about fourteen. Her blond hair fell out of the careful clip and her scream hit an especially high piercing note right as the Regulator reached toward her neck with the pen-needle. A moment later, she was slumped between the two Regs.
    The animal-like regression of anomalous subjects continues to be a concern. Treatment, however, is swift and effective. But only if every Subject remains vigilant to protect Humanity Sublime from this growing menace. An anomaly observed is an anomaly reported. Order first, order always.
    The vid and audio switched again, to a story about recent trade agreements with Sector 5, but the girl’s screaming face seemed imprinted in my head no matter how much the vid flashed and changed.
    She was so young. A shot of dread spiked through my veins. My brother Markan was fourteen. I thought he’d have a couple more years until I’d have to worry about the possibility of him glitching and getting caught.
    But from what I’d just seen, it seemed like time was running out. I had to get my brother out of there, away from the Community and away from Chancellor Bright, before it was too late. The report had said family members of those confirmed as anomalous were being tested. Did that mean … I suddenly felt sick. Surely Bright would test the brother of the most notorious glitcher ever. I’d been a fool ever to think Markan was safe just because I was gone.
    I un-Linked myself and swung the curtain from my bed back. “Taylor’s still on site, right?” I asked Xona.
    She looked up from the weapon she was polishing. “Yeah, why?”
    “Thanks.” I jumped down off the bed and pulled some slippers on my feet. I had already failed Max. There must still be time to rescue Markan, and the families of the other glitchers who’d been left behind.
    *   *   *
    All I could think about was Markan as I walked towards Taylor’s office. I remembered the way I used to tiptoe into his room at night and watch him sleep. That was months ago. He might look very different now. I wondered if his soft cheeks had leaned out and how tall he’d gotten. As I got closer to Taylor’s office, I saw the door was partially open already, and I could hear voices.
    “Got the skeleton darn near done, but that don’t mean nothin’ if we don’t have the contents to put in the godlam’d thing.”
    “Don’t you think I know that, Henk?” Taylor’s voice was sharp. “Obviously I know that.”
    “I got myself cracked puttin’ this together for ya. You promised we could take them down for good. That’s the only reason I risked my position to do this.”
    “Your position? That’s right, here on the outer dregs of the Rez we don’t get to eat caviar and drink gin.”
    “You know I don’t care about any of that.” Henk’s voice got louder. “I wanna bring the whole thing crumblin’ down on the shunters’ heads, same as you.”
    I tiptoed closer to hear better. Henk sounded far different from the joking prankster he’d been when I’d last seen him.
    “Then find me another way to get what we need.”
    “How am I supposed to do that if I’m watch-listed and on the run? This was your side of the bargain. You said if I designed the thing and brought you a prototype, you’d take care of the rest.”
    “Chancellor Bright always seems to be two steps ahead of us.” Taylor grimaced like she’d eaten something rotten. “All we can do now is figure out another way to get what we need. You work things on your end and I’ll work mine.”
    “I ain’t got an end anymore, or haven’t you heard a single word I’ve said? I need access, machinery, resources. It’s all gone.”
    “We both know you have clientele outside the Community you could talk to. You moved product between global Sectors all the time.”
    “You’re trying to get me killed, is that it? Need your project all hush, hush, so let’s get Henk to cut deals with the ganger bosses and get his throat slit?”
    “I would die for the cause tomorrow,” Taylor shot back. “A sacrifice that all of us should be willing to make, no questions asked.”
    “Dyin’ for something that actually makes a difference is one thing. Takin’ a suicide run is somethin’ else entirely.”
    “I’m not saying you have to

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