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Promised (The Promised Series)

Promised (The Promised Series)

Titel: Promised (The Promised Series) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Michelle Turner
Vom Netzwerk:
nervous. I’m getting a chance to spend time with my dream girl, but now I’m worried I’m going to mess it up. I’ve never in my seventeen years been nervous around the fairer sex, but one brown haired, green eyed girl has me quivering like jello. And she’s only said four words to me.
    To pass the time, I look over some of the posters hanging on the walls. All of them are meant to inspire and encourage, but in reality, they come across as cheesy. When the posters don’t keep my attention long enough, I pull out my cell to check my email. There’s a new one from Dad and I open it.
    From: Andrew Tatman
    To: Linc Tatman
    Subject: Missing You
    Hey kiddo-
    Mom told me you got all A’s and B’s the first nine weeks and I can’t be prouder. I hear your cousin is being a pain, but try to ignore him. He’ll grow up eventually and when he does, he’ll regret the way he’s acting. Don’t let his childish behavior push a wedge between that special relationship you two have had since you were kids.
    Mom also said you brought up a girl the other day. If she’s caught my boy’s eye, she must be something special. You’re like your old man in that sense, not just any girl can turn a Tatman’s head. It has to be the really wonderful ones like your Mom. I want to hear all about her.
    I hope you’re taking good care of the Challenger. Make sure you check her oil regularly and don’t be racing her. I know how tempting it can be at your age to want to show off, but it’s dangerous. So don’t!
    I should be back home in time to watch you graduate. So get prepared to spend some quality time with me. I’m missing our weekends on the lake.
    Well, I better get off here. Don’t forget, if you need any advice on this new girl, to shoot me a line. I’m sure I can come up with something good to tell you.
    Like always, take good care of your mom and I’ll write as soon as I can. I miss you both like crazy.
    A single tear slips down my cheek just as the door to Mrs. Mandevers office opens and out steps her and Wyn. I quickly wipe it away and shove my phone back in my pocket. I miss Dad terribly and as soon as I get home, I’m going to reply. But right now, I need to focus on the girl in front of me.
    Mrs. Mandevers looks me over to make sure I’m okay, apparently having caught the tear. Then deciding I’m fine, looks at Wyn. “Please think over what we discussed.”
    “I will, but you know I can’t promise anything.” I can hear the disappointment in her voice. Whatever it is they talked about, she wants to do it. But for some reason, she can’t.
    “Good. Now you two exchange information and let me know if you need me. I’m going to get back to work. Have a nice day.” She smiles at us both, then walks back into her office and shuts the door.
    I stand up and rub the back of my neck. “So, where do we begin?”
    “I guess we should exchange numbers.” She says, looking everywhere but at me.
    “Sounds good.” I pull my cell back out of my pocket and hold it out to her. “Here’s mine; program your number in and I’ll put mine in yours.”
    “Um, ok.” She pulls her phone out of her book bag and hands it to me. I quickly type in my phone number and save it.
    “So, when should we get started on this?” I ask, exchanging our phones back.
    “Well, I do tutoring after school on Wednesdays and I volunteer at an after school program for kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s up to you which one you’d like to join.” She tells me, putting her cell back in her bag.
    “Well, I’d love to come and help today, but I have to go home and help my mom. Is tomorrow okay? And maybe next week I can come to the tutoring too.” I tell her.
    “That’s fine. Tutoring was cancelled today anyway.” She pulls out a tablet of paper and a pen, then scribbles down an address and hands it to me. “Meet me at this address after school tomorrow.”
    “I could give you a ride there tomorrow if you want.” I tell her, taking my wallet out and putting the piece of paper in it.
    “That’s a nice offer, but I can’t. I’ll meet you there.” She says, putting the paper and pen away.
    “Well, do you need a ride home today? I really don’t mind.”
    “My brothers should be here by now. So no thanks.” She says, pulling the strap of her bag onto her shoulder and walking towards the exit.
    “Well, at least let me walk you out. I’m going the same way.” I say, following after her.
    She stops, looks me over

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