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Titel: Rescue Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jeremiah Healy
Vom Netzwerk:
easy to spot coming in and too hard to hide for sure in the hammock that’s left on Little Mercy.“
    I said, “Scuba?“
    “You know how to dive?“
    “I know how, but I doubt they’d rent me any equipment because I’m not certified yet.“
    Howard thought about it. “No. No, the bottom shoals up too much by Little Mercy itself. Last fifty yards, we’d be in only two feet of water, struggling with all that gear.“
    I said, “You have a better idea?“
    “I believe so.“

    We’d almost completed the circle of the small island to head for the marina when Howard pointed. “Sweetheart, see that fin?“
    He turned to me. “Rig up, quick.“
    I did, as Howard maneuvered the boat slowly toward the island.
    Doris looked at the depth-finder. “Three and a half under the stem.“
    I said, “Ready.“
    Howard pointed. “Cast out that way, far as you can.“
    I did, maybe seventy feet.
    Howard said, “Good. Get ready.“
    The strike nearly took me over the side. I set the hook into something that felt like a log, then it was up and out of the water, a big, bronzed hulk like a dolphin.
    Doris said, “Blacktip shark, maybe four feet long.“
    I thought about Cody, mentioning blacktips the night before.
    Howard said, “They’re the only shark I ever saw jump like that.“
    I felt as though I had a runaway freight at the end of the singing line, the boat starting to turn and drag behind hint Then the fish came up again.
    Doris said, “Bigger than I thought.“
    Howard said, “Close to five feet. John, keep a tight line, but don’t try to horse him.“
    “How will we land him?“
    “We won’t. Once you get him tired and close on, we’ll cut off the line. Hook’ll fall out or rot in a couple of days.“
    The shark made a turn, heading away from the boat and the island, then jumped again and the line went slack. I tried to keep a little-boy sound out of my voice as I said, “Lost him.“
    Howard clucked his tongue. “Reel in.“
    When the popper appeared, there was less line past it and no hook.
    Howard said, “That’s what I thought. You didn’t lose him. He swallowed your shrimp, and on one of his turns, his teeth just severed the line. Need to use wire leader, you plan on actually fishing for shark.“
    “I don’t,“ thinking of going from Axel Severn’s boat into the water the night before.

    In the living room, Howard said, “John, I still think it’s a good idea for you to stay here while I do the shopping. Let’s just go over the list, okay?“
    He tilted half-glasses on his nose. “Mask, fins, and snorkel. You can use mine, Doris’s will fit me well enough, now.“
    She didn’t follow up.
    I said, “Does that mean that once we reach shore we’re barefoot?“
    “No. Ours are power fins, so we’ll be wearing wet-suit booties under them.“
    “Good. Inflatable life vests?“
    “Check. We have those, too, for you and me, though the shorty wet suits ought to be more than we need in that saline bay water. I’ll get a child-size vest for the boy.“
    “The two plastic decoys?“
    “How about rope?“
    “There’s some in my workroom.“
    “We have calf knives for snorkeling. I’ll sharpen them up.“
    “All right.“
    Howard went on. “The gun shop where I got the night scope will sell me what I need for the diversion out the back door, no questions asked. While I’m getting that stuff, what kind of weapon do you want?“
    “Something the water won’t bother.“
    “We’ll have to wrap any firearms to waterproof them, anyway. I have my forty-five from the service. Doris shouldn’t need anything on the boat.“
    She just sat there.
    I said, “In that case, get me a four-inch revolver.“
    “Not an automatic?“
    First Pepe, now Howard. “Thirty-eight over a three-fifty-seven.“
    “Okay.“ He went back to the list. “You’re sure about this boom box thing?“
    “Yes. The smallest one they have, but the sport kind that’s water-resistant. It has to be able to record and be turned up loud.“
    Howard grinned. “I’ll tell the clerk I’m hard of hearing. Just the one tape?“
    “It’s all we’ll have time for.“
    His eyes moved back up the list. “That everything, then?“
    “I think so.“
    Howard folded the paper and put it in his shirt pocket as he stood. The warm smile. “Coming with me, sweetheart?“
    She smiled back. “No, I have to get that trout all nice and seasoned for

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