Return to Eden
currents flow the uruketo swim.
Enge heard the shouted sounds as she came out of the shaded walkway, but they were without meaning until she could see Ambalasei as well as hear her voice. The old scientist was leaning back on a resting board and calling out to her assistant.
"Poke it—but do not injure it. Get it to attack the stick."
There was a fearful hissing and screeching from the far end of the clearing. Enge looked in some astonishment at Setessei who was prodding a bird with a length of wood. The creature flapped wildly, losing feathers, bit into the stick with its teeth. It could not be a bird, not with teeth. Four more of the creatures were tied up close by, fluttering and hissing with fear.
"Now—" Ambalasei called out. "Release it."
A binding-animal was secured about its legs. Setessei poked at it with the stick until she touched the nerve ganglion that opened its mouth. As soon as it was freed the creature ran, screaming, towards the trees. Its wings were extended and flapping and it made little soaring hops into the air. With one last screech it vanished into the undergrowth.
"Excellent," Ambalasei said, gesturing success of endeavor with her right hand. This turned instantly to a modifier of distaste/displeasure as sharp pain shot through her bandaged thumb.
"Pleasure of presence," Enge said. "Unhappiness at injury hopefully soon healed."
"A hope that I share. Infection from accidental cut by stringknife during dissection. Slowness of healing indication of advanced age of organism."
"Ambalasei is heavy with years of wisdom."
"Heavy with years of years as well, Enge. Signs of age cannot be denied. But can be forgotten in pleasures of research/discovery. Did you see that creature run?"
"I did. Though reasons for captive/release flight were unclear, the creature itself unclear. It has the feathers of bird, but also teeth, no beak."
Ambalasei signed appreciation of observation. "Abandon your pursuit of Ugunenapsa's invisible theorizing and I shall make you into a true scientist. No? I did not think so. Complete waste of intelligence. As you have observed the pertinent thing about the ninkulileb are its teeth, that is why it is so named. That creature is a living fossil. I have seen beasts like it in rock from ages long gone. Yet on this isolated continent, so far from Inegban*, its descendants still live. You saw the teeth and the feathers. It is a link between early sauria and the estekel* who fly so well. Though perhaps not. Parallel evolution I believe. These creatures are more closely related to modern birds. Wings and feathers, yet not capable of being truly airborne yet, you witnessed that. Still a fast runner, aided by the wings, to capture insects and to escape predators. This continent is a revelation, the flora and fauna worth lifetimes of study."
Ambalasei peeled the nefmakel from her hand as she talked, glared angrily at the healing wound, signed Setessei for a fresh wrapping. While her assistant was fitting it into place Ambalasei indicated query of presence to Enge.
"Concern over injury, desire for assistance."
"The injury heals, but hurts. Assistance in aid of what?"
"Omal reports misfortune in containers. Meat rots."
"Failure of enzyme. Setessei will take care of that as she always does. And why does Enge bear a message that Omal herself could bring? Or any yilanè fargi for that matter."
"Ambalasei always penetrates another's thoughts even before they are spoken. Although the matter is of no importance to you, I seek clarity of thinking for aspects of truth that escape me."
"There are times when I feel like the only yilanè among yiliebe fargi. Where would this world be without my intelligence?"
Although the question was rhetorical Enge answered with solemn reassurance. "I do not speak for the world but only for myself and my companions. We would be dead. In the fullness of time this will not be forgotten." She signed subservience, lowest to highest.
"Well spoken. Flattering yet completely true. Now what is the latest application needed for my mighty wisdom?"
"I have had queries from many, the same question expressed in different ways, yet the same query and the same worry from all."
"The lazy creatures should work harder, think less. Your new fargi called Daughters of Life, yet still fargi of immense unreasoning stupidity, do most of the labor in this city. Giving the rest too much time to talk and argue."
"Ambalasei is correct, as always. But the query is one
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