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River’s End

River’s End

Titel: River’s End
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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you get to me.” She shook her head when his hands came to her shoulders, when he shifted her back to him. “No, not now.”
    “Always,” he said quietly, and settled his lips softly, dreamily on hers. Without a sound, without a struggle, her arms came up and around him, her body leaned in. Not surrender, not this time. This time acceptance. Emotions stormed through him, fast and hot and needy. And his mouth grew rough on hers. “Tell me.” he demanded. He was wild to hear the words, to hear from her lips what he could taste on them.
    She wanted to, wanted to fling herself off the edge and trust him to fall with her. The fear and the joy of it roared in her head. She teetered there, pulled in both directions, and only jerked away when she heard the sound of an engine laboring up the lane.
    “Someone’s coming.”
    He kept his hands on her shoulders, his eyes on hers. “You’re in love with me. Just say it.”
    “I—it’s the truck. It’s my grandmother.” She pressed a hand to her mouth. “God. what have I done?”
    The truck was already rounding the turn. Too late to ask him to go, Olivia realized. Too late even if the glint in his eye told her he wouldn’t have quietly slipped into the trees.
    She turned away, braced herself as the truck pulled up. “I’ll handle this.”
    “No.” He took her hand in a firm grip. “We’ll handle it.”
    Val sat where she was as they walked to the truck. Her fingers were tight on the wheel. She saw the distress and apology on Olivia’s face and looked away from it.
    “Grandma.” Olivia stopped at the driver’s side, rested her free hand on the base of the open window.
    “So, you’re back.”
    “Yes, just now. I thought you’d be with the children’s group.”
    “Janine took it.” Rage had her by the throat, whipping the words out before she could stop them. “Did you think to sneak in and out before I got home?”
    Stunned, Olivia blinked, stood numbly as Noah shifted in front of her, much as he had to shield her from the cougar. “I asked Olivia if I could shower and change, since the lodge is booked. I’m Noah Brady, Mrs. MacBride.”
    “I know who you are. This is Livvy’s home,” she said shortly. “If she’s told you that you can use it to clean up, that’s her right. But I have nothing to say to you. Move aside,” she ordered. “I have groceries to put away.”
    She dragged at the wheel and, without another glance at either of them, drove around the back of the house.
    “I broke my word to her,” Olivia murmured.
    “No, you didn’t.”
    She let out a shuddering breath that caught in her throat as he started after the truck.
    “What are you doing? Where are you going?”
    “To help your grandmother carry in the groceries.”
    “Oh, for Christ’s sake.” She caught up, dragged at his arm. “Just go! Can’t you see how I hurt her?”
    “Yeah, I can see it. And I can damn well see how she’s hurt you.” The steel was back in his voice as he took her wrist, pulled her hand away. “I’m not backing off. You’re both going to have to deal with that.”
    He strode to the back of the house and, before Val could protest, plucked a bag out of her hand. Reaching into the bed of the truck, he hauled out another. “I’ll take these in.”
    He carted them onto the back porch and let himself in through the kitchen door.
    “I’m sorry.” Olivia rushed to Val. “Grandma, I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have—I’ll make hivn go.”
    “You’ve already made your choices.” Back stiff, Val reached in for another bag.
    “I wasn’t thinking clearly. I’m sorry.” She could taste hysteria bubbling in her own throat. “I’m so sorry. I’ll make him go.”
    “No, you won’t.” Struggling to hold his temper, Noah came back out. He walked to the truck, took the last two bags. “Any more than I’ll make you au anything. If you want to take it out on someone, Mrs. MacBride, take it out on me.”
    “Noah, would you just go’?”
    “And leave you here feeling guilty and unhappy?” He gave her a long, quiet look that had Val’s eyes narrowing. “You know better. I’m sorry we disagree about the book,” he continued, turning back to Val. “I’m sorry that my being here upsets you. But the fact is, I’m going to write the book, and I’m going to be a part of Olivia’s life. I hope we can come to terms about both, because she loves you. She loves you enough, and is grateful enough for everything you’ve done for her
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