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Rules of Prey

Rules of Prey

Titel: Rules of Prey Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: John Sandford
Vom Netzwerk:
a nasty problem,” she answered. “But . . .”
    “What?” The lawyer was looking at her with a small smile on his face.
    “Interesting,” she said.

    “Daniel’s hunting for you.” Anderson looked harassed, teasing his thinning blond hair as he stepped through Lucas’ office doorway. Lucas had just arrived and stood rattling his keys in his fist.
    “Something break?”
    “We might go for a warrant.”
    “On Smithe?”
    “Yeah. Sloan spent the night going through his garbage. Found some wrappers from rubbers that use the same kind of lubricant they found in the women. And they found a bunch of invitations to art shows. The betting is, he knows this Ruiz chick.”
    “I’ll talk to the chief.”
    “Where have you been?” Daniel asked.
    “My cabin. I ditched Ruiz up there,” Lucas said.
    Daniel snapped his fingers, remembering. “That’s right. Dammit. I didn’t know she was going with you. How come your cabin?”
    Lucas shrugged. “She would only give the interview if we could get her away afterward. This seemed simpler than trying to get the city to keep her in a hotel.”
    Daniel’s eyes narrowed; then he gave Lucas a tiny nod.
    “So what is it, three hours up there?”
    “Okay. We’re going to turn you back around. We want you to show her a photo spread, see if she can pick out Smithe. Take the chopper up.”
    “Anderson said you’re going for a warrant,” Lucas said.
    “Maybe. Once we knew what we were looking for, we had Sloan go through the garbage scrap by scrap. Sure enough, he found some wrappers from those Share rubbers. So we got him with Rice, we know he’s been at the same art shows as Ruiz, and he very well might have seen Lewis. Then this punk chick, she hung out at the clubs off Hennepin, mixing it up with the gays on the streets, he could have bumped into her there. And we got the lubricant, and the opportunity to meet them here in the courthouse. And he’s gay. Depending on what you get, we could go for it. We’ve got Laushaus ready to sign whatever we need.”
    “We could find twenty guys who fit the same pattern.”
    “What’s your problem with this, Davenport?” Daniel asked in exasperation. “You’ve taken guys down on one-tenth of what we got.”
    “Sure. But I knew I was right. This time we might be wrong. All we’ve got is the easy stuff, and nothing else. I think he’s a workout freak; Ruiz said the attacker was soft. This guy’s a native Minnesotan; Ruiz said he has a southwestern accent. Ruiz says the guy wears Nike Air shoes; he didn’t have any Nike Airs in his closet. Eight pairs of shoes, but no Nike Airs.”
    “There’s the rubber.”
    “That’s the only thing, and that’s not definitive.”
    “He knows guns.”
    “Not handguns. There wasn’t a handgun in the place.”
    “Listen, just get up there with the pictures,” Daniel said. “They’ve got a package for you down at the lab.”
    “Will you make the call on the warrant? Or you going to let homicide do it?”
    “I’ve been pretty deep in this,” Daniel said. “I wouldn’t want to shove the responsibility off on somebody else.”
    “Let homicide make the call,” Lucas urged. “They’ll do what you want, but you’ll be able to change your mind if there’s a problem. And something else. Maybe you ought to suggest that they keep the warrant in their pocket. Ask the guy to come in, get him a lawyer, tell him that you have thewarrant, and then if he can come up with anything that cools the case, you just pitch the warrant and shake his hand.”
    “He might not go for that.”
    “Man, I’m getting real bad vibes from this thing.”
    “We got people being killed,” Daniel said. “What if we’re right and we just let it go and he gets another one?”
    “Put a heavier net around him. If he tries, we’ve got him.”
    “What if he waits for three weeks? Have you seen the television? It’s like the Ayatollah and the hostages. ‘Day Fifteen of the Maddog’s Reign of Terror.’ That’ll be next.”
    “Goddammit, chief . . .”
    Daniel waved him off. “I’ll think about it. You get up there and show the mugs to Ruiz. Call back and tell us what she says.”
    Lucas tried to call Carla from the station and from the airport, but there was no answer.
    “Get her?” asked the pilot.
    “No. I’ll find her when we get up there.”
    The chopper cut the travel time to the cabin to less than an hour, sweeping across the high-colored

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