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Running Wild

Running Wild

Titel: Running Wild Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Joely Skye
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bed—though he sometimes rose early for chores—sent a shiver of desire racing through Ri. He was a bit embarrassed by his desire, but not enough to avoid Seamus. He left the small copse of trees to approach the farm in the distance.
As he came to the front door, he remembered Seamus wanting him to knock so he rapped hard twice. At the lack of response, Pete entered. At least it wasn’t locked, and he stalked over to the couch where Seamus lay sleeping through all Ri’s racket.
He stared down. And recalled that Seamus found that spooky.
“Hey,” he said.
Seamus opened his eyes and blinked, seemingly confused by Ri’s presence. Ri should have been embarrassed by his nudity and by his, well, erection. But there was this attraction riding him, and he rather desperately wanted to do something about it.
Seamus was attracted to him. They’d had sex, of a sort. They—
Seamus bolted to sitting, the duvet falling off his naked chest. Ri licked his lips and moved his gaze upwards.
And noted that Seamus looked happy. “Hey. I’d wondered when you’d come back.”
“Oh.” Ri smiled. “How long was I gone?”
“You left three days ago.”
“That’s not bad.” He was pleased he hadn’t been gone longer.
Seamus swung his legs around to the floor and pushed to standing. “I was starting to worry,” he admitted.
The idea that this man had worried about him turned Ri on more. He was certain that wasn’t the correct emotional response. He should have been touched, which he was, distantly.
Seamus started to frown.
“Come with me.” Ri decided it was better not to talk. He took Seamus’s hand and pulled him towards the bedroom.
He was beginning to shake, but Seamus didn’t seem to mind as he wrapped a hand around Ri’s dick and said, “What’s up?”
Ri rolled his eyes at the joke. Seamus stroked up and then down, and Ri felt his eyes might roll back up into his skull. He was so sensitive.
“None of that, or I’ll come now.” He removed Seamus’s hand and rather gracelessly pushed Seamus on to the bed.
He grinned up. “Would that be so bad?”
Through gritted teeth, Ri said, “I want to spend some time with you.”
He knelt over Seamus then, knees bracketing Seamus’s thighs, and pressed Seamus down on the bed to kiss him.
He couldn’t do gentle with the kiss, but Seamus welcomed him, meeting his kiss with his own, wrapping his arms around Ri and holding him tight.
God. He thrust against Seamus once and thought he might be able to come like this, he was so fucking turned on. He tried to slow himself, breaking the kiss to trail his mouth down Seamus’s neck and latch on to that tiny pink nipple.
“You are something else,” said Seamus with warmth, affection. “What do you want?”
“You,” Ri breathed before he paid attention to the other nipple and Seamus arched against him.
“More specifically.”
“Fuck me.”
“Really?” Seamus drawled, and Ri stopped what he was doing to look up and see Seamus’s expression. His eyelids were at half-mast; he liked that request.
“ Yes .”
Seamus trailed a hand down Ri’s side and let it rest on his hip. “What happens if you come?”
“Fuck me before I come.” Ri’s face heated up. He didn’t talk like this. He thought this was obvious. He’d thought Seamus was more experienced than he was.
“Of course,” Seamus murmured. He wrapped his other hand around Ri’s nape and brought his head down for a kiss.
Ri responded. Lips touched and mouths opened, his tongue glided along Seamus’s. It felt so fucking sexy, and when Seamus palmed his ass, he said, “No.”
He pulled Seamus’s hands away from him, clasped the wrists and pinned Seamus to the bed. “Don’t touch me. I’m too close.”
Seamus batted eyelashes at him. “That’s okay.”
“I don’t want it to end.”
“There’s no ending, babe.”
The term of endearment caught at him, like a hook into his chest, and Ri didn’t know what to make of it and his reaction. Everything was too much.
Seamus slid one arm free from Ri’s grasp. “Trust me.”
He skated a hand along Ri’s side, only to take hold of Ri’s balls.
“Seamus,” he pleaded. He was trembling.
“Sometimes, you need to take the edge off.” Seamus stroked that sensitive skin behind Ri’s balls, and on cue his balls tightened up, ready for release. Then Seamus took Ri in hand and pumped him.
The sound Ri made was unknown to him, a kind of helpless high groan as all the pleasure focused on that hand on his cock, on

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