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Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe

Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe

Titel: Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Abbi Glines
Vom Netzwerk:
embarrassed or because of what had just happened. My body was still humming. “I was loud,” I stated.
    Jax grinned and reached up to run his thumb over my bottom lip. “Yeah, you were,” he replied. “And it was really damn sexy.”
    I didn’t understand this boy. But the way he was looking at me with such an adoring, worshipful gaze, I decided I didn’t care. A giggle built up in my chest, and I pushed it down. “Um . . . that was . . . uh . . . really, really . . . good. I mean, it was more than good.” I closed my eyes because unlike him, I was not good with words.
    “It blew your mind and now you want to stay right here on my lap for the rest of the summer. I’m good with that. I like you straddling me.” I could hear the teasing tone in his voice, and I laughed this time.
    “I feel like I’m supposed to say thank you or something,” I managed to say and sounded like an idiot.
    Jax’s grin only got bigger. “I can think of ways you can thank me. Let’s start with you moving your cute little ass back into your seat so I can calm down a little. Because as perfect as you feel pressing up against me, I don’t think I can take much more before I combust.”
    “Okay,” I replied, and slid off his lap. His groan as I moved only made my heart rate pick back up again. I wanted to crawl right back up there and do that again, but I didn’t. Because he was obviously still hard . . . and I wasn’t sure how I could fix that. Was I supposed to?
    “Your . . . um . . . you, uh . . . Can I do something to help that . . . er, I mean, you?” I asked, staring down at the erection outlined in his jeans.
    “No. But please stop looking at it, because that’s making it all kinds of painful.”
    I frowned up at him. “It hurts when I look at it?”
    Jax closed his eyes tightly and laid his head back against the chair. “Yeah, it does. Think of it like this. It wants you. It wants parts of you it can’t have. But he doesn’t know that so he is very ready to take that part of you, and I have to convince him to calm the fuck down. But you looking at him confuses him and he ignores me and stays ready.”
    Had he really just referred to his penis as a person? I smiled and looked away from him and at the screen. It was very tempting to reach over and feel him because I was pretty sure he’d enjoy that, but then I was worried about him being in pain. But I wasn’t ready for that. Especially in a movie theater. So I didn’t look at him again, and I didn’t touch him.
    At some point, we finally caught up from what we missed in the movie. Jax managed to get himself calmed down enough to eat all his popcorn, a bag of M&M’s, and some nachos and cheese. I only made it halfway through the popcorn, and I ate a few of his nachos and cheese, which he fed me. Well, he didn’t have to try very hard. The minute he held one up to my mouth, I took it.
    We exited the theater as easily as we’d entered. Jax slipped his disguise back on. “How about a walk on the beach?”
    I liked that idea, especially at this time of day. I also liked the idea of kissing him again. I wanted to touch him this time. “Sounds good, but don’t go to the public beach.”
    He pointed to his hat and glasses. “I’m in disguise, and no one will look close enough to realize it’s me.”
    I thought about Amanda and her friends. If they noticed Jax, things would get out of hand, and quickly. “I know people on the public beach. Remember, I live here. I go to school with these kids. If any of them come up to speak to me, then they’ll notice it’s you.”
    Jax didn’t say anything, but a frown set in on his perfect features.
    “What did I say?” I asked when he didn’t reply.
    He glanced at me as if he didn’t want to answer my question. “I guess I forget you have a life other than my house and me. I like having you all to myself, and I know it’s selfish, but the fact that you’re going to go back to school to live a normal teenage life with parties and football games and dances makes me jealous as hell.”
    I let out a shocked laugh. “My life is a lot easier to accept than yours. You leave to go to movie premieres, and you’re on the covers of magazines, and the entertainment shows follow everything you do. I have to live with you going back to another world. When you’re onstage, you belong to everyone.”
    He didn’t respond for what seemed like forever. We pulled into a secluded part of the beach, and he turned off the

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