Sea of Glory
Antarctic land sighted from
and Columbia River
court of inquiry on
in Ex. Ex. squadron
flag of
in Honolulu
Hudson as commander of
morale aboard
and Pacific islands
repairs of
Reynolds’s transfer to
at Sydney
at Valparaiso
wreck of
Peale, Charles Willson
Peale, Titian
Pearce, James Alfred
Pearl Harbor
pendulums, measurement via
Perry, Matthew C.
Perry, Oliver Hazard Jr.
Physics (Wilkes)
Pickering, Charles
and anthropology
and Ex. Ex. collection
at Fiji
at Mauna Loa
Piner, Thomas
Piner Bay
Pinkney, Robert
in Antarctica
complaints against Wilkes
court-martial of
and Flying Fish
plate tectonics, theory of
Poe, Edgar Allan
Poinsett, Joel:
on Ex. Ex. as nonmilitary undertaking
and Ex. Ex. preparations
ill health of
and National Institute
as war secretary
and Wilkes’s appointment
Poinsett, Joel ( cont. )
and Wilkes’s rank
Polk, James
Pollard, George
exploration of
name of
peoples of
see also Pacific Ocean; specific islands
Pomare II, king of Tahiti
in Antarctica
and Columbia River
in Georges Bank survey
in North Pacific Expedition
and Pacific islands
and return home
Ringgold as commander of
and San Francisco
Wilkes as commander of
Porter, Capt. David
Porter, George
Preston, William
Puget Sound
Puhano (guide)
Reao Island
Reed, Mammy
Reid, James
Long as commander of
at Noir Island
at Orange Bay
return to U.S.
sluggishness of
at Strait of Magellan
Renwick, James
Renwick, James Jr.
Renwick, Jane, see Wilkes, Jane Renwick
Reynolds, Jeremiah N.
and expedition plans
and hollow earth
and Potomac in Sumatra
Reynolds, John
Reynolds, Lydia
Reynolds, Rebecca Krug
Reynolds, Sam
Reynolds, William:
in Antarctica
Antarctic land sighted by
on Boxer
changed relationship of Wilkes and
and Civil War
at Columbia River
and courts-martial
death of
enlisted in Ex. Ex.
as Flying Fish commander
foot problems of
in Hawaii
health problems of
in inner circle
journals of
leaving New York
letters to his sister from
and Malolo massacre
marriage of
May’s friendship with
in Mexican War
naval rank of
and Pacific islands
and preparations for voyage
and return home
surveys by
suspension of
at Sydney harbor
transfer to Flying Fish
transfer to Peacock
transfer to Porpoise
Wilkes described by
and Wilkes’s narrative
Rich, William
Richmond, Bill
Ridgely, Comm. Charles
Riley (marine), flogging of
Ringgold, Cadwalader
in Antarctica
and Malolo massacre
and North Pacific Expedition
and Pacific islands
as Porpoise commander
and San Francisco expedition
Rio de Janeiro
Rio Negro, survey of
Ross, James
Royal Astronomical Society
Sac, John
St. Louis
Salem, Massachusetts, trade vessels from
Sandwich Islands
Sanford, Joseph
San Francisco
San Jacinto
San Juan Islands
Savage, Charlie
Schouten, Willem
Scott, Robert
Sea Gull
in Antarctica
Johnson as commander of
loss of
Reid as commander of
Seru (son of Tanoa)
Seton, Elizabeth Ann
Seton, William
Shackleton, Ernest
Sinclair, George
as Flying Fish commander
and Malolo massacre
and Pacific islands
Slidell, John
Smith, Capt. Joseph
Smithson, James
Smithsonian Institution
Smyth, W. H.
Society Islands, survey of
Southard, Samuel
South Pole
South Sea Company
South Sea Fur Company and Exploring Expedition
South Shetland Islands
Spain, exploration by
Spieden, William
Stanton, William
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Commodore
Stewart, Frederick
Stewart, William
Stockton, Robert
Strait of Juan de Fuca
Strait of Magellan
subsidence, theory of
Sulu Sea, survey of
Sweeney, Peter
Sydney (dog)
Sydney, Australia
Sydney Herald
Symmes, John Cleves
Tanoa, king of Bau
Tappan, Benjamin
Tasman, Abel
Termination Land
Terra Australis Incognita
Thoreau, Henry David
Thorn, Capt. Jonathan
Tierra del Fuego
Totten, Joseph
Tuamotu islands
Tutuila island
Twain, Mark
Twenty Years Before the Mast (Erskine)
Two Brothers
Tyler, John
Underwood, Joseph
in Antarctica
death of
Fiji surveys
and Malolo massacre
Tutuila survey
Underwood Group
United States:
boundary of Canada and
commercial interests of
Ex. Ex. return trip to
exploration sponsored by
isolationism in
Panic of 1837
science in
sea frontier of
in War of 1812
Western exploration and settlement
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