Sea of Glory
the Boston Athenaeum; Linda McCurdy and Elizabeth Dunn at Duke University; Douglas Halsey, an interpreter with the National Park Service at Fort Vancouver; Ann Upton, Michael Lear, and Christopher Raab at Franklin and Marshall College; Lisa DeCesare at the Botany Libraries of the Harvard University Herbaria; Jeffrey Flannery at the Library of Congress; Cathy Williamson and Josh Graml at the Mariners’ Museum; William Fowler and Nicholas Graham at the Massachusetts Historical Society; Carolyn Kirdahy at the Museum of Science, Boston; Libby Oldham at the Nantucket Historical Association; Richard Peuser at the National Archives; Michael Crawford at the Naval Historical Center; Gale Munro at the Naval Historical Foundation; James Lewis at the New Jersey Historical Society; John Hattendorf at the Newport War College; Eleanor Gillers at the New-York Historical Society; Mary Catalfamo at the Nimitz Library at the U.S. Naval Academy; Daniel Finamore and Charity Gal-breath at the Peabody Essex Museum; John Delaney, Margaret Sherry Rich, and Anna Lee Pauls at Princeton University; Robert Summerall, James Cheevers, and Dolly Pantelides at the U.S. Naval Academy Museum; Mark Pharaoh at Urrbrare House at the University of Adelaide, home of the Mawson Antarctic Collection; Laura Clark Brown at the University of North Carolina; Michael Plunkett at the University of Virginia; and Suzanne Warner at the Yale University Art Gallery.
I have benefited greatly from the expertise and astute editorial advice of those who agreed to read and comment on my manuscript. Many thanks to William Stanton, William Fowler, Thomas Congdon, John Hattendorf, Robert Madison, Michael Crawford, Jane Walsh, Maurice Gibbs, Susan Beegel, Wes Tiffney, Mary Malloy, Stuart Frank, Paul Geraghty, Michael Hill, and Michael Jehle.
Wendy Wolf at Viking Penguin did a masterful job of editing; thanks once again, Wendy. Thanks also to her assistant, Cliff Corcoran, and to Michael Burke for his copyediting. Thanks to Hal Fessenden for his essential input on the manuscript, as well as to Francesca Belanger for the wonderful design work, to Kate Griggs for all her production help, and to master strategist Gretchen Koss. Thanks to Jeffrey Ward for the maps and to Mark Myers for the illustration of the squadron.
Very special thanks to my agent, Stuart Krichevsky, whose counsel and friendship have meant more to me than he knows. Thanks also to his assistant, Shana Cohen.
This book is dedicated to my father, Thomas Philbrick. He first steered me in the direction of the Ex. Ex., and in addition to transcribing all of William Reynolds’s journal, as well as scores of letters written by Charles Wilkes, he brought his years of teaching and writing experience to his careful reading of the manuscript. Also there every step of the way was my mother, Marianne D. Philbrick. Thanks also to my brother, Samuel Philbrick; the years we spent sailing together as teenagers were, for me, the starting point of this voyage of discovery. Finally, my deepest thanks to my wife, Melissa D. Philbrick, and to our children, Jennie and Ethan. Here’s to future voyages together.
Adams, John (nephew)
Adams, John Quincy
Adventure Islets
Agassiz, Louis
Agate, Alfred
Alden, James
in Antarctica
and Antarctic land sightings
and court of inquiry
and courts-martial
Fiji surveys
and Malolo massacre
in Pacific islands
Tierra del Fuego survey
Allshouse, Joseph
American Nautical Almanac
American Philosophical Society
Andes Mountains, experiments in
icebergs in
ice sheet of
inaccessibility of
land discovered in
looming (light refraction) in
Ross Sea in
scientific observations in
wildlife in
Antarctic Circle:
Cook’s voyage to
Wilkes’s voyages to
Antarctic Continent:
charting of
earliest landing on
French claims for
Palmer’s Land in
Wilkes’s naming of
Wilkes’s sightings of
Antarctic Convergence
Antarctic Peninsula
Arctic expeditions
Articles of War
Astor, John Jacob
Astoria, settlement of
Atlantic coast, survey of
Atlantic Ocean, cable across
Audubon, John J.
Aulick, John
Aurora Australis
Aurora Borealis
Australia, scientific studies in
Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition
Autobiography (Wilkes)
Bacon, Frederick
Baily, Francis
Bainbridge, Comm. William
Baird, Spencer
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de
Baldwin, A. S.
Barlow, Peter
Barrow, John
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