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Tales of the City 04 - Babycakes

Tales of the City 04 - Babycakes

Titel: Tales of the City 04 - Babycakes Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Armistead Maupin
Vom Netzwerk:
me like you’re matchmaking. I thought that was my job around here.”
Mary Ann giggled. “If I find anybody good for him, I’ll make sure you approve first.”
“You do that,” said Mrs. Madrigal.
The glint in the landlady’s eye was more than a little disconcerting. Be careful, Mary Ann warned herself. A nice old woman who used to be a man could very well know what’s on everybody’s mind.
Heading upstairs, Mary Ann hesitated on the landing, then turned and rapped on Simon’s door. He opened it wearing Michael’s dark green corduroy bathrobe, loose enough to reveal an awe-inspiring wedge of thick brown chest hair. He was munching on a carrot stick.
“Well … hello there.”
“Hi,” she said. “I thought I’d just stop by on my way home. Is this a bad time?”
“Absolutely not. Here, let me pop into some trousers. I won’t be a …”
“No. This is just … spur of the moment. You’re decent. I’ve seen more of you in your jogging shorts.”
He gave himself a split-second once-over, then said: “You’re quite right. Well …” He welcomed her with a whimsical little flourish of the carrot stick. “Come in, won’t you?”
The room, of course, still spoke loudly of Mouse, with its shelves of tropic-hued Fiesta Ware, its vintage rubber duck collection from the forties, its chrome-framed “Thighs and Whispers” Bette Midler poster. The only signs of Simon were the latest issue of Rolling Stone and a bottle of brandy on the coffee table.
He sat down on the sofa. “I was just about to pour myself a little nip. Will you join me?”
“Sure.” She eased onto the other end of the sofa, leaving a cushion between them as no-man’s-land. “Just a teeny one, though. Brandy gives me headaches.”
He looked faintly amused. “Brandy takes a certain commitment.” He poured some into a rose-colored Fiesta juice glass and handed it to her. “Bottoms up.”
She took a sip. “By the way, I was wondering … have you made plans for Faster yet?”
He grinned.
“What’s so funny?”
“Well, this is Lotusland, isn’t it? I haven’t given a moment’s thought to Christian holidays.” He chuckled. “Most of my celebrations have been pagan so far.”
“I’m sure that’s true,” she replied, “but I thought it might be … you know … a good time for us to plan something … since you’re leaving right after that.”
He nodded thoughtfully. What was he thinking?
“It’s just the weekend after next,” she added.
“Is it really?” He seemed amazed.
He shook his head. “Time flies when you’re pillaging a city.” He turned and looked at her. “What exactly did you have in mind?”
“Don’t laugh,” she replied.
“Very well.”
“It’s … a sunrise service.”
A moment’s hesitation. “Ah.”
“Was that a good ah or a bad ah?”
He smiled. “A tell-me-more ah.”
“That’s about it.” She shrugged. “I’m supposed to cover it for the station. It’s held at the highest point in the city, under this enormous cross. Everybody watches the sun come up over Oakland. It’s kind of … caring-sharing Californian, but it might be a hoot for you.”
“A hoot,” he repeated. His smile had inched perilously close to a smirk.
“You hate it, don’t you?”
“No … no. I wonder, though … how do we get up to this highest point?”
“Walk,” she answered, “but not too far.”
“Up Calvary, eh?”
She giggled. “Right.”
“Well …” He tapped his lips with his forefinger. “I’m a foul-tempered wretch that early in the morning.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Does Brian?”
“What?” He was making her nervous, but she hoped it didn’t show.
“Mind getting up that early.”
“Oh. Actually … he’s not. He’s going to a house party Theresa Cross is giving in Hillsborough. We were both invited, but … well, I got stuck with this assignment.”
“I see.”
“My motives are a little shaky, I guess.” She gave him her best winsome smile. “I just wanted a little pleasant company during the ordeal.”
“As Jesus said to Mary Magdalene.” His eyes were full of mischief.
“Maybe it’s not such a good …”
“I’d love to go,” he said.
“You’re sure, now?”
“Absolutely. It’s settled. There.” He punctuated the decision by clamping his hands to his knees.
She rose. “Great. I also thought we might have dinner together the night before. If you haven’t got plans, I mean.”
He gazed at her for a moment, then said: “Lovely.”
As she left,

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