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The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

Titel: The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Terry Pratchett
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throat. A few early risers among the population were already watching him. 'Er… now, listen, friend, I'm sure you didn't mean-' he began.
    The man straightened up, and gave the guards a look which made both men take a step backwards. He reached out and undid the thong holding a thick roll of leather behind the saddle.
    It unrolled. Corporal Knopf whistled. All down the length of leather, held in place by straps, were dozens of pipes. They glistened in the rising sun.
    'Oh, you're the pipe -' the sergeant began, but the other man turned back to the mirror and said, as if talking to his reflection, 'Where can a man get a breakfast around here?'
    'Oh, if it's breakfast you want then Mrs Shover at the Blue Cabbage will-'
    'Sausages,' said the piper, still shaving. 'Burned on one side. Three. Here. Ten minutes. Where is the mayor?'
    'If you go down that street and take the first left'
    'Fetch him.'
    'Here, you can't-' the sergeant began, but Corporal Knopf grabbed his arm and pulled him away.
    'He's the piper!' he hissed. 'You don't mess with the piper! Don't you know about him? If he blows the right note on his pipes, your legs will fall off!'
    'What, like the plague?'
    'They say that in Porkscratchenz the council didn't pay him and he played his special pipe and led all the kids up into the mountains and they were never seen again!'
    'Good, do you think he'll do that here? The place'd be a lot quieter.'
    'Hah! Did you ever hear about that place in Klatch? They hired him to get rid of a plague of mime artists, and when they didn't pay up he made all the town's watchmen dance into the river and drown!'
    'No! Did he? The devil!' said Sergeant Doppelpunkt.
    'Three hundred dollars he charges, did you know that?'
    'Three hundred dollars!'
    'That's why people hate paying,' said Corporal Knopf.
    'Hang on, hang on… how can you have a plague of mime artists?'
    'Oh, it was terrible, so I heard. People didn't dare go out onto the streets at all.'
    'You mean, all those white faces, all that creeping around…'
    'Exactly. Terrible. Still, when I woke up there was a rat dancing on my dressing-table. Tapitty, tapitty, tap.'
    'That's odd,' said Sergeant Doppelpunkt, giving his corporal a strange look.
    ' And it was humming There's no Business like Show Business . I call that more than just "odd"!'
    'No, I meant it's odd you've got a dressing-table. I mean, you're not even married.'
    'Stop messing about, sarge.'
    'Has it got a mirror?'
    'Come on, sarge. You get the sausages, sarge, I'll get the mayor.'
    'No, Knopf. You get the sausages and I'll get the mayor, 'cos the mayor's free and Mrs Shover will want paying.'
    The mayor was already up when the sergeant arrived, and wandering around the house with a worried expression.
    He looked more worried when the sergeant arrived. 'What's she done this time?' he said.
    'Sir?' said the watchman. 'Sir' said like that meant 'what are you talking about?'
    'Malicia hasn't been home all night,' said the mayor.
    'You think something might have happened to her, sir?'
    'No, I think she might have happened to someone, man! Remember last month? When she tracked down the Mysterious Headless Horseman?'
    'Well, you must admit he was a horseman, sir.'
    'That is true. But he was also a short man with a very high collar. And he was the chief tax-gatherer from Mintz. I'm still getting official letters about it! Tax-gatherers do not as a rule like young ladies dropping on them out of trees! And then in September there was that business about the, the-'
    'The Mystery of Smuggler's Windmill, sir,' said the sergeant, rolling his eyes.
    'Which turned out to be Mr Vogel the town clerk and Mrs Schuman the shoemaker's wife, who happened to be there merely because of their shared interest in studying the habits of barn owls…'
    '… and Mr Vogel had his trousers off because he'd torn them on a nail…' said the sergeant, not looking at the mayor.
    '… which Mrs Schuman was very kindly repairing for him,' said the mayor.
    'By moonlight,' said the sergeant.
    'She happens to have very good eyesight!' snapped the mayor. 'And she didn't deserve to be bound and gagged along with Mr Vogel, who caught quite a chill as a result! I had complaints from him and from her, and from Mrs Vogel and from Mr Schuman and from Mr Vogel after Mr Schuman went around to his house and hit him with a last and from Mrs Schuman after Mrs Vogel called her a-'
    'A last what, sir?'
    'Hit him with a last what?'
    'A last, man! It's a kind

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