The Gallaghers of Ardmore Trilogy
saw Lady Gwen.”
Mick nodded, and shifted closer to listen as Brenna told him.
“Poor lass,” he said when she was finished. “It’s a long time to wait for things to come ’round for you.”
“Some of us do a lot of waiting.” Brenna glanced over as Shawn came out with a tray piled with food. “I want to speak to Shawn about this when the pub quiets down a bit. Darcy says there’s an outlet up in her rooms that isn’t working proper. I think I’ll go see to that after we’ve had our meal here, then take some time to talk to Shawn. Unless there’s something else you have for me to do today.”
“Today, tomorrow.” Mick lifted his shoulders. “What we don’t get to at one time, we’ll get to another. I’ll just take myself up to the cliff hotel and see if they’ve decided on which room they want renovated next.” He winked at his daughter. “We could have ourselves a nice piece of work there for the whole of the winter. Where it’s warm and it’s dry.”
“And where you can sneak down and check on Mary Kate in the offices where she’s fiddling with a computer all day.”
Mick grinned sheepishly. “I wouldn’t call it checking so much. But I’m grateful she decided to take a job close to home since she’s done with university. I expect she’ll find work that suits her better in Dublin or Waterford City before much longer. My chicks are all flying the coop.”
“I’m still roosting. And you’ll have Alice Mae for years yet.”
“Ah, but I miss the days when my five girls went tripping over me every time I turned around. Here’s Maureen a married woman, and Patty going for a bride come spring. Don’t know what I’ll do, darling, when you hitch yourself to a man and leave me.”
“You’re well stuck with me, Dad.” She crossed her booted feet as she finished off her stew. “Men don’t lose their heads or their hearts over women like me.”
“The right one will.”
It took all her effort not to let her gaze wander toward the kitchen. “I won’t be holding my breath. Besides, we’re partners, aren’t we, now?” She looked up and grinned at him. “So man or no man, it’s always O’Toole and O’Toole.”
Which, Brenna thought as she used Darcy’s bathroom to wash away the rest of the soot, was just the way she wanted it. She had work that pleased her, and the freedom to come and go that no woman could manage with a man attached to her.
She had her room at home as long as she wanted it. The companionship of family and friends. She’d leave the fussing with keeping a house and pleasing a husband to her sisters Maureen and Patty. Just as she’d leave office work and marking her time by a clock to Mary Kate.
All she needed to get by were her tools and her lorry.
And her wanting Shawn Gallagher brought her little but frustration and annoyance. She imagined that one day, eventually, it would pass.
Knowing Darcy well, Brenna made certain she cleaned up every spot of dirt. She left the little white sink gleaming and used her own rags to dry her hands and face rather than the frilly fingertip towels Darcy had on the rod. Which, to Brenna’s mind, were a complete waste of fabric, since no one who really needed to use them would dare.
Life would be simpler if everyone bought black towels. Then no one would shriek and curse when their fluffy white ones ended up grubby.
She spent a quiet few minutes replacing the broken outlet in the living area with the new box she’d brought along. She was just screwing on the cover when Darcy came in.
“I was hoping you’d get to that. It was irritating.” Darcy dumped her tip money in what she called her wish jar. “Oh, Aidan said to tell you that he and Jude want to have some work done in what will be the baby’s room. I’m going over to see Jude now, if you want to come along and see what she has in mind.”
“I’ve something to do first, but you can tell her I’ll come ’round in a bit.”
“Damn it, Brenna! You’ve left dirty boot prints all over the floor here.”
Brenna winced and hurried up with the screws. “Well, I’m sorry about that, Darcy, but I cleaned the sink.”
“Well, now you can clean the floor as well. I’m not scrubbing up behind you. Why the devil didn’t you use the loo in the pub? It’s Shawn’s week to clean up there.”
“I didn’t think of it. Stop bitching about it. I’ll see to it before I go, and you’re very welcome for the electrical work I’ve just done for
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