The German Genius
Question, 13
Obsoleteness of Man, The (Die Antiquietheit des Menschen) (Anders), 771
Oesterle, Anna, 656
Offenbach, Jacques, 463
Offending the Audience (Publikumsbeschimpfung) (Handke), 804
Office of Ancestral Inheritance, 656
Ohain, Han von, 600
Ohm, Martin, 355
Oken, Lorenz, 85, 228, 282, 430
Oliphant, Mark, 667Öllinger, Hans, 14
Olympia (film), 639
Oncken, Hermann, 534
One Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 722, 779****
On Humanism (Über den Humanismus) (Heidegger), 770
On Nationalism and the Jewish Question (Über Nationalismus und die Judenfrage) (Jünger), 709
On Social Differentiation (Über social Differenzierung) (Simmel), 446–447
On the Aesthetic Education of Man (Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen) (Schiller), 129–130
On the Concept of Number (Über den Begriff der Zahl) (Husserl), 486
On the Connection between the Animal and Spiritual Nature of Man (Schiller), 127
“On the Consequences of a Theorem in the Theory of Trigonometric Series” (Cantor), 486
On the Conservation of Force (Helmholtz), 344
“On the Hindus” (Jones), 190
“On the Hypotheses which Lie at the Foundation of Geometry” (Riemann), 350
“On the Jewish Question” (Marx), 249
“On the Kind of Motion that We Call Heat” (Clausius), 346–347
On the Marble Cliffs (Auf den Marmorklippen) (Jünger), 709
On the Misfortune and Fortune of Art in Germany after the Last War (Vom Unglück und Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Krieg) (Syberberg), 782
“On the Moving Force of Heat, and the Laws Regarding the Nature of Heat That Are Deductible Therefrom” (Clausius), 345
On the Natural History of Destruction (Luftkrieg und Literatur) (Sebald), 798
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 259, 393, 426
On the Vocation of the Scholar (Fichte), 228
On the World Soul (Von der Weltseele) (F. Schelling), 202
On War (Vom Kriege) (Clausewitz), 184, 185–188
Opel, Fritz von, 693
Open Society and Its Enemies, The (Popper), 706, 707
opera, 155–156
Aryan myths and, 435
forms of, 328
under Hitler, 644
Italian, 155
Mozart, 157, 158, 643
Weber, 160
Zeitoper, 587
Operation Paperclip, 695
Oper und Drama (Wagner), 328
Oppenheim, Bram, 746
optics, 203, 204–205, 366
Orators, The (Auden), 818
Ordinary Men (Browning), 20
Orfeo ed Euridice (Gluck), 155
Organic Chemistry in Its Applications to Agriculture and Physiology (Liebig), 280
Organon of Homeopathic Medicine, The (Die Organon der rationellen Heilkunde) (Hahnemann), 176
Oriental Renaissance, The (Schwab), 181, 189
Origin of Continents and Oceans, The (Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane) (Wegener), 557
Origin of German Tragic Drama, The (Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels) (Benjamin), 619
Origin of Kingship in Germany, The (Die Entstehung des deutschen Königstums) (Sybel), 406
Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, The (Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staats) (Engels), 258
Origins of Totalitarianism, The (Arendt), 720–721
Origo, Iris, 755
Ossietsky, Carl von, 582
Ostini, Abbate Pietro, 217
Ostwald, Ludwig, 477
Otto, Frei, 814
Ottomans and the Spanish Monarchy of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Ranke), 267
Our Daily Bread (film), 805
Our Sons (Michelet), 395
“Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy” (Engels), 250
Overbeck, Johann Friedrich, 215, 217, 218
Owen, Richard, 85
Owen, Wilfred, 551
Oxenford, John, 331
Oxpovat, Alex, 169
Oyster Princess, The (film), 589
Oz, Amos, 9
Ozawa, Seiji, 809
Ozment, Steven, 43
Pacelli, Eugenio (Pius XII), 668, 683
Pachelbel, Johann, 60, 153
Abstract Expressionists, 734
after World War II, 810–813
Biedermeier, 306
fresco paintings, 218, 220, 239, 875n39
German-Americans and, 325
landscape, 221
in Dachau, 507
Painting with Skiff (Kandinsky), 516–517
paleontology, 170
Pallas, Peter Simon, 169
Pan (periodical), 510
Pandora (ballet), 747
Pandora’s Box (Die Büchse der Pandora) (Wedekind), 515
Pan-German League (Alldeutscher Verband), 420–421, 501
Pan-German Thule Society, 562
Pankok, Bernhard, 508, 509
Panofsky, Erwin, 570, 607, 702, 714, 733, 734, 735, 741
Papon, Maurice, 17
Papst, Eugen, 636
Park, Robert, 453
Parsifal (film), 782
Parsifal (Wagner), 327, 329, 334, 339
Parsley, Malcolm, 157
Partisan Review (magazine), 720
Passavant, Johann David, 215
Past and Present (journal), 749
Pasteur, Louis, 388
Pastor, Ludwig von, 433, 607
Pastorius, Franz Daniel, 323
Pastors’ Emergency League, 680
pastors’ sons, role of, 834, 837
Pater, Walter, 315
patriotism, 94, 230,
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