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The Global eBook Report: Current Conditions & Future Projections. Update October 2013

The Global eBook Report: Current Conditions & Future Projections. Update October 2013

Titel: The Global eBook Report: Current Conditions & Future Projections. Update October 2013 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Rüdiger Wischenbart
Vom Netzwerk:
and a maximum of €9.99, without DRM.
    The rejection of DRM aligns B de Books with the French Numeriklivre , another 100 percent digital publisher, specializing in romance, science fiction, fantasy, young adult literature, and essays.
    For nonfiction, the French Marabout , founded in 1949 and a leader in gardening, practical advice, and self-help books, is committed greatly to extending its reach into digital markets.
    All three companies have found a way to compete directly and successfully with the big houses for the nascent e-reading audiences in languages other than English, and it will be of high interest to follow the market presence of these and similar innovative ventures in the near future.

Receptiveness for foreign (English) reading
    It has been argued that ebooks will give a big push to English reading around the globe, for the simple reason that ebooks travel at low cost over long distances, crossing borders seamlessly, once globally acting companies have set up the required infrastructures and made the required legal arrangements per each target market, and also because early adopters of ebooks are the strongest readers and the most worldly, the most frequent travelers, and the most linguistically competent consumers. Although at this stage no data are available as evidence for this assumption, some indicators can nevertheless be identified.
    In countries such as the Netherlands or Sweden, English-language print books have become increasingly popular with readers; such is also the case in several Central and Southeast European countries, including Slovenia, to the point that translation of English-language fiction into local languages has been reported to be challenged by imports of the original editions. For details on English reading in that region, see at The accelerating impact of English reading
    In Germany, the by far the largest wholesaler, Libri , had successfully started to expand its foreign-language packages to retailers almost a decade ago, as could be seen in the ever-growing foreign-language selections in the largest chain stores, notably Thalia . Although these foreign-language shelves used to be occupied predominantly by literary classics, it is now the latest releases of bestselling fiction from the US and, to a lesser degree, the UK that constitute this segment’s profile.
    More recently, an increasing number of online shops have added dedicated English catalogs with an increasing number of titles, even in countries like France, Italy, or Spain, which were traditionally more difficult to access for foreign-language reading.
    Amazon, which expanded its presence with localized online stores in Italy and Spain in 2011, is strongly promoting its English catalog as well as increasingly broad offerings in other languages, both in print and for the Kindle .
    But the strongest force in the emergence of an international web of English reading is probably Amazon’s integration of its ebook catalog, with the Kindle reading platform and an increasingly uniform pricing policy ready to flatten the differences in what an ebook costs a consumer across markets.

Part IV. Outlook and Projections

Chapter 12. The Accelerated Transformation of the Ecosystem of Publishing and Reading
    By fall 2013, ebooks have earned a presence in a growing number of book markets, and in some, notably in the United States and the United Kingdom , ebooks drive the market. In Germany , ebooks at least in fiction, begin to be recognized as engines of sectorial growth.
    While the ebook niche had initially been boosted by the increase in purchases of devices, with a clear tendency for tablets to winning over dedicated ereaders, in 2013, ebooks have started to gaining their specific profile among readers. Ebooks not only account for some 20% of genre fiction in the UK. Various lists of bestselling ebooks, as sketchy as they might be thus far, differ clearly from the print charts, hinting at forming a specific segment in books - and not simply a technical format. In countries like Germany or France , with fixed book prices and a firm stance of publishers trying to maintain ebook prices oriented at print prices as benchmarks, this can lead to a rapid discrepancy, or even confrontation, over prices, between the world of old publishers, and the new readers and consumers who move all their cultural consumption to digital environments.
    The few leading global players, Amazon , Apple , but also Google , Kobo , and a growing number

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