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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
young people that you have damaged, both physically and mentally will never be the same because of you.”
    “You’re crazy, you have no proof, and you’ve got nothing on me.” He spat.
    “I have to go out for awhile, I’m going to leave you to sit here and think about the things you’ve done. I suggest that you think really hard about it, and maybe, just maybe if I think you’re sorry enough, I may just spare your life.” At that, the stranger walked over to the table, picked up a roll of duct tape, yanked off a long piece and tore it off. He walked over to Charles, placed it over his mouth, and wrapped it around his head. He made sure that he could breath; he made sure that he was securely bound to the chair and blew out the lamp. “I suggest you think about what I said.” He turned and walked out.
    “You know shit, you know that. Hey. What about my life? You think my life was so fucking great, you self-righteous son-of-a-bitch. I survived, I turned out okay, hey, hey…” His thoughts screaming through his mind, he heard the door slam and the locks being set.
    Charles sat there in the dark room, only dimly lit by what little bit of light was coming through the cracks in the heavily covered windows.
    He tried to wobble the chair but realized that it was securely bolted to the floor, his arms and legs had been bound and moving was absolutely, impossible. He didn’t know what in the hell he was going to do now. All he could think of was how helpless he felt and that he had absolutely no control at all.
    After about an hour, his shoulders started to ache. His legs were cramping badly. Christ, he had to pee badly as well. Perhaps his captor would return before he was forced to go in his pants. First chance he got he was gonna kill this fucker, no two ways about it.
    Chapter 14
    The young boy was all of fourteen. His life seemed pretty well set for him. His father seemed to make good money. They never needed for anything. They lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. For all he knew his friends and their parent’s friends all lived in a nice neighborhood.
    His parents were proud of him. He always did well in school, not straight A, but always above average. The basketball team was his main passion and his involvement in the science club kept him busy. For Las Vegas, he did pretty well for a kid growing up in this Sodom and Gomorra. It was a cesspool of a rotting pit of a city. It was no place to raise kids, for that was a fact. Therefore, yes they were very proud of their son. It was fortunate that they had the money and could afford for their son to do things other than hang out. Far too many kids in this city didn’t have that luxury. Some of the parents who did have the means just didn’t care. This was an adult entertainment city. Raising kids here was dangerous.
    He was walking home late one afternoon after basketball practice. He was thinking about Cheryl. She was a cute girl who sat across from him in Algebra class. She would pass him notes in class. A faded blue van passed him slowly and stopped along the curb about a block up the street.
    The young boy hadn’t even noticed it. His iPod earpiece stuck in his ear, his mind on other things. Once he got even with the van the side door slid open, someone reached out, grabbed him, and yanked him inside. The door slid shut. It all happened in the span of about 3 seconds.
    Once inside the van, the man inside who had grabbed him punched him hard in the face. The searing pain shot through his jaw into the back of his neck. He suddenly felt his mouth fill with the salty, irony taste of his own blood.
    He was dazed, the man hit him again, and he was having trouble keeping conscious, his heart was pounding; he was sweating profusely, his eyes watering. His assailant threw him down, face first, slamming his head into the bed of the van. The stranger had him pinned to the floor of the van.
    He could feel his pants being yanked off of him, he was trying to struggle but he couldn’t move, his attacker was incredibly strong, plus the weight of his attacker kept him pinned down.
    A white, hot, searing pain ripped into his rectum. The fierce pain repeated. He thought it would never end. He tried to scream but the man had stuffed a dirty rag in his mouth, the man forcing himself on the boy. The pain so bad he finally passed out.
    Charles bolted up right in his chair. Sweat dripping from him, his clothes were soaking wet, his heart beating. God what had

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