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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
believe she was actually doing it. However, she needed a break from all the stress. John sure as hell wasn’t going to make any moves, so it was up to her.
    She picked out the sheerest bra and panties she could find. Next, was a pair of brown, silk pants that fit her snuggly around the hips but were just loose enough at the legs to not appear to suggestive.
    Next, she pulled on a cream colored, sleeveless, silk blouse. It was open at the collar about half way down, exposing just enough cleavage to entice but not to appear whorish. The blouse also had snaps instead of buttons, which she hoped would be a plus. It fit snugly enough to accentuate her breasts but not so tight as to appear to not fit her at all. She picked a small, heart shaped necklace. She stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled and liked what she saw. Perfect, she thought. Buster and Jasmine were sitting on the bed watching her. They each had the look of approval on their mugs. Their tails and tongues wagging happily so she knew she was ready to go.
    “Okay guys, here goes nothing” she said. She gathered up the things she wanted to take with her and headed out the door.
    Chapter 76
    The Guardian got home, unloaded his things from the bike, put them away, and decided he needed a short nap. Of course, he didn’t really sleep. His mind was full of thoughts about what he was going to do later that night. He was working out the details, going over every little thing in his head. That’s what he always did. In fact, he couldn’t actually remember a time when he’d actually had a full night of completely restful sleep. That was why he was as good as he was and had never been caught. He was a perfectionist when it came to the planning part.
    After about three hours, he got up, went through his work out and his katas. After that he showered, and made something to eat. He was sure how he would get in, and what he would do once he got there. He’d been playing the scenario repeatedly in his mind. Leaving nothing to chance, he was working out every little detail so there would be no mistakes.
    The only thing he didn’t know was what he would find once he was inside. He would have to check for any alarm systems, or any other device that would indicate his presence. He hadn’t seen any motion sensitive, area or perimeter lights. He would double check just to be sure. He wanted to be able to spend enough time to check the inside perimeter and any buildings thoroughly. He wasn’t sure, but he had a gut feeling.This was the place he needed to find.
    He would watch the house. After his last surveillance of the property, he had found an area where he could park the bike out of sight. He could lay low and keep an eye on the front gate. The plan was to wait until he someone was going through the gate. He would give them enough time to get settled and comfortable or out of sight. Then he would go in over the wall. He had initially thought about going in behind the van, staying low so as not to be seen, but that was too risky. It was easier to go in after the fact. It would also increase his element of surprise.
    Checking his watch, he finished loading the last of the equipment that he needed. He secured the building, and prepared to leave. He had approximately a two hour ride ahead of him. If everything went according to plan, he should be there way ahead of his target. He secured his helmet, pulled on his gloves and fired up the bike. It was time to go.

Chapter 77
    Jack pulled the van over to the side of the curb. He was heading east, towards Jones so he didn’t have to back track. The idea was to grab the girl and get gone. Timing was everything. He removed the rear license plate just in case anyone would see it and remember it. This was the closest he’d ever gone to the edge and he had to admit it was scaring him.
    The odd thing was, the idea of being caught was morbidly exciting to him. He could feel the adrenalin pumping through his veins.
    He had decided that he would get this one and then force himself to lay low for a long time. However, this one couldn’t wait. This was too fine a prize to let go. The longer he waited, the more intense his desire became. He was incredibly impatient, why he did not know. Something was driving him from within. It was making him crazy with want. When you want something so badly that you forget about the consequences and your common sense fades, you have no control over your actions. It’s like an

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