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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
she ran off. She looked for traffic as she ran across the street to the woman waiting for her. His heart rate quickened, no time for celebration. There was still a lot to do. It was far from over and the hardest part was yet to come.
    The little blonde girl waved back and turned towards Jack. She walked faster now that her friend was no longer with her to chat. She was in a hurry to get home.
    Kneeling down next to his van, he put his hand in his jacket pocket. He found the small bottle of chloroform and with one hand popped the lid off. He soaked the small rag that it was wrapped in.
    Stopping just beside him, the little blonde girl looked down at him and smiled, “Is your wheel broke? She said.
    Clearing his throat, he said, “Um, yes, just a flat tire, it’s fine, thank you.
    “Just real messy” he said as he stood up, pulling the rag from his pocket at the same time, acting as though he were going to clean his hands. Instead of wiping his hands, he quickly reached over, grabbed the little girl, shoved the rag into her face, and shoved her into the van. He was franticly looking around; searching for anyone who may have seen him. Seeing nothing, he bound the girl quickly. Her skirt had risen up around her waist and he caught himself staring at her bare legs and panties. Forcing the thoughts he was having from his mind, he reluctantly and gently pulled her skirt down and jumped into the front seat. He forced himself not to drive away speeding. He pulled out into the street; barely stopping at the light on Jones tore off down the street.
    His hands were sweating terribly and his arms were shaking. Constantly checking his mirror, he drove south down Jones trying desperately not to bring attention to himself.
    So far so good. He knew that leaving that stuff behind would definitely draw the attention of anyone who had seen him sitting there. Thinking back, he wished he hadn’t done that. He probably would have had time to throw the stuff in the van. How could he have been sure? Well, no matter, it was too late now. That would be something he would have to deal with when the time came. All he wanted to do now was get home, get the girl off the street and into his little harem. “Harem”, he said it aloud and smiled. He truly did like the sound of that.
    Chapter 80
    The Guardian turned the corner, saw the large house with the large wall and slowly made his way up the rough finished road. There was no one about. There were no other cars and no one out doing any work or walking about. That’s what he had hoped for. It wasn’t quite dark. It was barely five in the afternoon. It wouldn’t be dark for at least two or three hours yet.
    Finding the spot that he had picked to stash the bike, he parked it. He grabbed the bag of equipment out of the trunk, and prepared to settle in to watch the house. The spot that he had picked was on a bit of a rise so that he could look down. In order to see him they would have to look up a considerable ways. No one would do such a thing. If they were worried about someone seeing them, they would scan the area. That’s exactly what he was watching for.
    It wasn’t long before he saw a white van coming down SR160. It wasn’t speeding but he wasn’t being very cautious either. The van turned sharply on to the road, no turn signal, no slowing down. Just an abrupt turn that sent the back end fishtailing and sent rocks flying off the rear wheels.
    The van headed right for the house the Guardian was watching. He watched more intently now as the van came to a jerky stop in front of the gate. The man inside jumped out, looking over the area, scanning as though he was being followed. He jumped back into the car and waited as the gate began to open. The Guardian had ducked down out of sight; just to be sure he wasn’t seen. He smiled, “well, well, the cock has returned to the roost.” He said to himself. He wasn’t sure this was the one they were after. However, given the odd behavior this guy was showing, he acted like he had something to hide. The Guardian wanted to find out what that was.
    He watched as the van quickly pulled into the compound area, the gate was closed, and that was that. It was time to move.
    The Guardian quickly grabbed his bag and started down the grade from where he had been hiding. He scanned the area, looking for any sign that he was being watched. Of course, there was no way of knowing. He doubted that. The houses here were too far apart.
    Reaching a small

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