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The House Of Silk

The House Of Silk

Titel: The House Of Silk Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Anthony Horowitz
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he’ll smile and call you his friend when you have your fourpence, but you ask favours from him or try to cross him and he’ll have you beaten and thrown in a ditch without a second thought. Even so, he and I rub along well enough. Don’t ask me why. He has a little office off the main room and sometimes he’ll invite me in to smoke with him – tobacco not opium. He likes to hear stories about life down at the docks. Well, it was while sitting with him that I first heard the House of Silk mentioned. He uses boys to bring in his supplies and also to search out new customers in the saw mills and the coal yards—’
    ‘Boys?’ I interrupted. ‘Did you ever meet any of them? Was one of them called Ross?’
    ‘They have no names and I don’t speak to any of them. But listen to what I’m saying! I was there a few weeks ago and one of these lads came in, evidently late. Creer had been drinking and was in an ill-humour. He grabbed the boy, struck him and knocked him to the ground. “Where have you been?” he demanded.
    ‘“The House of Silk,” the boy replied.
    ‘“And what do you have for me?” ’
    ‘The boy handed over a packet and slunk out of the room. “What is the House of Silk?” I asked.
    ‘That was when Creer told me what I have told you now. Had it not been for the whisky, he would not have been so loose-tongued, and when he had finished he realised what he had done and suddenly turned ugly. He opened a little bureau beside his desk and the next thing I knew, he was pointing a gun at me. “Why do you want to know?” he cried. “Why do you ask me these questions?”
    ‘“I have no interest at all,” I assured him, both startled and afraid. “I was making idle conversation. That’s all.”
    ‘“Idle conversation? There is nothing idle about it, my friend. You ever repeat a word of what I have just said to anyone, they’ll be hauling your remains out of the Thames. Do you understand me? If I don’t kill you, they will.” Then he seemed to think a second time. He lowered the gun, and when he spoke again it was in a softer tone of voice. “You can take your pipe with no payment tonight,” says he. “You’re a good customer. We know each other well, you and I. We have to look after you. Forget I ever spoke to you and never mention the subject again. Do you hear me?”
    ‘And that was the end of it. I had almost forgotten the incident, but then I saw your advertisement and of course it brought it back to mind. If he knew I had come to you, I have no doubt he would be as good as his word. But if you are seeking the House of Silk, you must begin with his office for he can lead you there.
    ‘Where is it to be found?’
    ‘In Bluegate Fields. The house itself is on the corner of Milward Street; a low, dirty place with a red light burning in the doorway.’
    ‘Will you be there tonight?’
    ‘I am there every night, and thanks to your beneficence I will be there for many nights to come.’
    ‘Does this man, Creer, ever leave his office?’
    ‘Frequently. The den is cramped and smoke-filled. He goes out to take the air.’
    ‘Then you may see me tonight. And if all goes well and I find what I am looking for, I will double your reward.’
    ‘Do not say you know me. Do not acknowledge my presence. Do not expect any further assistance if things go awry.’
    ‘I understand.’
    ‘Then good luck to you, Mr Holmes. I wish you success – for my sake, not for yours.’
    We waited until Henderson had left, then Holmes turned to me with a gleam in his eyes. ‘An opium den! And one that does business with the House of Silk. What do you think, Watson?’
    ‘I don’t like the sound of it one bit, Holmes. I think you should stay well away.’
    ‘Pshaw! I think I can look after myself.’ Holmes strode over to his desk, opened a drawer and took out a pistol. ‘I’ll go armed.’
    ‘Then I shall go with you.’
    ‘My dear Watson, I cannot possibly allow it. As much as I am grateful to you for your consideration, I have to say that the two of us together would look anything but the sort of customers who might be seeking out an East London opium den on a Thursday night.’
    ‘Nonetheless, Holmes, I insist. I will remain outside, if you wish. We must surely be able to find somewhere nearby. Then, if you are in need of assistance, a single shot will bring me to the scene. Creer may have other thugs working for him. And can we trust Henderson not to betray you?’
    ‘You have a point.

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