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The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

Titel: The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Alison Cronin
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nudging Cal.
    “I think you must be right,” he nodded solemnly. “Only a man could melt such an iceberg.” He ducked as Cass hurled a cushion at his head. Missing him, it struck Quassi who looked up with an indignant expression.
    Cass sat quietly for a moment, staring at the TV screen. “Actually, there is someone.” Her hazel eyes turned to regard her parents.
    “I knew it,” came the triumphant cry from Cal.
    “Come on then, out with it.” Meli sat forward, and grabbing the remote from beside Cal, muted the T.V.
    “Promise you won’t take the mickey?” Cass asked, her eyes darkening, daring them to.
    “We promise,” Meli promised on behalf of them both. Cassie had not had a serious relationship before. At least not to their knowledge. This required tactful handling, like a newly laid alligator egg, easily damaged, yet potentially extremely dangerous.
    Cassie took a huge breath, which swelled her already large bosom. “He’s eighteen, and he works in MVC. He lives next door to Sandra. His name is Dean.” She paused for another intake of breath. Unnoticed by her, Quassi had snuck up and stuck his head in her lap. She was so embroiled that she didn’t notice, although her fingers began playing with his ears tenderly, almost as if they were Dean’s ears. Quassi eyes rolled in their sockets, swooning with pleasure.
    “We met outside Sandra’s. He’s cute and sweet and I’ve been seeing him for about a week now.” Her eyes twinkled like love struck stars gaping at a full and beautiful moon.
    “So, when do we get to meet him?” Meli enquired.
    Cassie’s face dropped and the sparkle fell from her eyes. Noticing Quassi she pushed him away. What was wrong? Was she ashamed of Dean? Did he have two horns and a nose like Pluto? Cassie’s head shook. “I don’t know,” she muttered, totally flustered by this question. “He’s busy, working a lot of the time.” That was feeble.
    Studying her daughter, Meli had a second thought, and wondered whether she was ashamed to bring him home, ashamed of them? Turning her gaze she glanced around the room. She couldn’t see anything to be ashamed of. Her eyes fell on Cal, with his ever expanding beer belly. No, surely not? “Well, he’ll be most welcome whenever he would like to call.” Meli was already planning her visit to check out the young man. She had his name, and knew where he worked. If he did have two horns, he would be easy to spot.
    “You took that very calmly,” Cal told her in low tones after Cassie had gone for a shower. “I expected sparks when she said he was too busy to visit.” His eyebrows had lifted to the top of his head.
    Meli grinned at him sheepishly. “I still plan to check him out, don’t worry about that.”
    “Best not get caught,” Cal warned her. They both knew Cassie would go berserk.

Chapter 19

    With the twins in tow, Meli set off for Exmouth early the next morning. The boys had been saving up for a new computer game, and with an act of generosity, on a par with a minor miracle, Meli had given them an advance on their pocket money for the next two weeks, so they could get their game early, giving herself the much needed excuse to visit MVC today. If they suspected that there was an ulterior motive, the boys wisely chose not to bite the hand that fed them, and said nothing. Marching quickly along the almost empty streets, they arrived at MVC one minute after nine. A swift survey of the shop revealed no two horned monster, but not deterred, Meli closed on the counter while the boys raced off to peruse the game section.
    She was delighted to see that all the staff had name badges on, although disappointed to discover that there was a Terry and a Julie, but no Dean. She scanned the shop, across the rows of racks. There were two youngsters filling up displays. Wheeling past them, like a shark eyeing a potential snack, she quickly eliminated them. How depressing. What if he wasn’t in today? He could be off sick, or on a rest day. She glanced at her watch. It was only just after nine. Maybe he started later. Joining the boys she watched them search through the games, while keeping one eye on the entrance. Usually she would be rushing them, but today it best served her purpose to let them take their time. Suddenly she tensed. A young man had entered the shop, bearing a four pint container of milk. Swimming casually past him as he headed for the door marked ‘staff only’, she caught a glimpse of his name badge.

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