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The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder

The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder

Titel: The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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Reddy, and he assumed Patch was with him.”
    “But where did Harrison see Reddy?” Trixie asked in a tight voice, though she sensed Di’s answer even before she heard it.
    “He saw Reddy in the woods,” Di said slowly. “It was about a mile from Mr. Lytell’s store, and just off Glen Road.”
    Brian stared. “But we’ve already looked for Reddy there,” he said, “and what everyone’s been seeing is just an old scrap of someone’s torn shirt.“
    “So I was right all along,” Trixie said, her lips quivering, “and Reddy’s still missing—and he’s been missing all night.”
    Honey moved at once to her friend’s side. “Don’t worry, Trix,” she said quickly. “We’ll find him—you’ll see.”
    “We’ll get the horses now,” Brian said, “and we won’t stop searching till we discover what’s going on.”
    “Is that okay with you, Trix?” Mart asked.
    But Trixie was no longer there. She was already out of the house and running down the hill and across the wet grass to the Wheelers’ stable.

Dreadful News ● 8

    WHILE DI RACED for the paddock to saddle up her own palomino, Sunny, the other Bob-Whites hurried to catch up with Trixie. Then together they entered the stable’s dim and cool interior.
    At once, they smelled the familiar fragrances of saddle soap and sweet hay and heard the eager movements of the horses, who seemed to sense they were about to be allowed to stretch their legs.
    Regan, who had been talking to Miss Trask at the stable’s far end, hurried forward to meet the Bob-Whites. “I don’t believe it!” he exclaimed. “You’ve actually remembered that horses need to be exercised.”
    But Trixie wasn’t even listening. “Oh, Regan,” she burst out, “you’ll never guess what’s happened. We thought Reddy was found, but he isn’t. I know I asked you before, but have you seen him? We thought maybe he’d been around—”
    Her heart sank as Regan slowly shook his red head. “I haven’t any idea where he could be, Trixie,” he answered. “I already told you that first thing this morning. Then, when I didn’t hear from you again, I thought you must’ve found him.“
    “Patch is missing, too,” Honey put in. “I thought he was with Jim. Jim thought he was with you—”
    “No,” Regan said again, “I haven’t seen Patch, either.”
    “What’s this about Patch?” Miss Trask asked, joining them. Then she listened patiently while Trixie explained.
    “I’m sorry, Trixie,” Miss Trask said quietly, when she had heard the whole story of the dogs’ disappearance. “When you asked me about Reddy earlier, I thought he was off chasing rabbits somewhere. I told you so, if you remember.”
    “That’s what everybody told me,” Trixie said.
    “I thought so, too,” Brian put in. “But now we’re not so sure. Trixie thinks something may have happened to both Reddy and Patch. It seems funny that they’re both gone.”
    Trixie was almost dancing with impatience. She wanted nothing more than to rush to Susie’s stall, jump on her back, and dash away over the fields, yelling for Reddy at the top of her lungs.
    She knew, however, that first they’d have to get Regan’s permission to take the horses on their search.
    Judging from the expression on his face, it looked as if he wasn’t going to give it. He was frowning. “I thought you merely wanted to exercise the horses,” he said, a frown crossing his pleasant face. “But, of course, you’re planning a search party—and through the woods, too, I imagine.“
    “But we’ll be careful, Regan,” Honey replied quickly, knowing that he was always fearful for the safety of his beloved horses.
    “And if we find any places that could be dangerous to them,” Jim added, “we’ll tie them up and go on foot.”
    Miss Trask, dressed as usual in her sensible tweed suit, ran a hand through her short, crisp, iron gray hair. “Yes, we know you will, Jim,” she said. “But you see, Regan is worried because he and I won’t be here when you come back.”
    “That’s right,” Regan said. “We were just about to come and find you, Jim. I’ve heard of a couple of super horses for sale over in White Plains. Miss Trask has a couple of errands to do there, so we thought we’d go together.”
    “But that’s fine,” Jim answered, looking from one to the other of them. “So what’s the problem? Dad and Mom should be home from their business trip by the time we get back—”
    Miss Trask was shaking her

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