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The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder

The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder

Titel: The Mystery of the Midnight Marauder Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Julie Campbell
Vom Netzwerk:
told you so.” Not that she was going to worry about it. She had already done enough worrying for one day!
    All at once, the whole world seemed brighter. She became aware of the soft sounds around her. It was almost as if, until this moment, she had been deaf.
    She could hear the smooth purring of the car’s powerful engine as it idled patiently beneath the sleek hood. She could hear the birds singing and leaves rustling as a cool breeze played tag in the old crab apple trees. It was sure going to be a beautiful day. The Bob-Whites wouldn’t have to form a posse, and they could help out at Sleepy-side’s junior-senior high school after all.
    “I’m glad that I was wrong,” Trixie told Brian happily.
    “To tell you the truth, I am, too, Trix,” he answered. “I don’t want to lose that rascal of ours any more than you do.”
    Honey leaned across her brother and gazed up through the car window at Trixie. “I guess you were really worried about Reddy,” she said.
    “I sure was,” Trixie answered. “You see, he was acting so funny last night.”
    “Did it seem as if he’d heard someone—or something-calling him?” Jim asked suddenly.
    Trixie felt a shock of surprise. “That’s exactly how he looked, Jim. How did you know?”
    Jim stared at the backs of his freckled hands as they rested easily on the steering wheel. “Because that’s the way I saw Patch acting last night, too. I didn’t think anything of it at the time.”
    All at once, Trixie’s fears returned in a rush. Who—or what—had attracted the dogs’ attention? Had there been an intruder there, after all? Or had it been something else?

Excitement at School ● 3

    IN THE NEXT INSTANT, Trixie could tell that Brian was now feeling as uneasy as she was.
    “Listen, Trix,” he said awkwardly, “you may have been wrong about Reddy’s disappearance, but maybe you were right when you thought he’d spotted something last night. I guess I’d better check around before we leave.”
    “I’ll help, Brian,” Jim offered quickly. “I don’t like the sound of this any more than you do.”
    Dan grunted. “Let’s all go.”
    “Yes, let’s,” Honey agreed quickly, clambering out of the car.
    “And we’ll leave Trixie’s surprise till we get back,” Di added, her violet eyes sparkling.
    But Trixie was no longer even thinking about surprises. She was already off and running toward that corner of the house where she had last seen their Irish setter.
    When Honey caught up with her, Trixie was standing by the picnic table, staring up the hill toward the Lynch mansion.
    “Did you find something?” Honey asked.
    Trixie shook her head. “Not yet, Honey,” she answered.
    She was still puzzled fifteen minutes later, when the six Bob-Whites met once more in the cozy living room of the old farmhouse.
    “No clues, no nothing,” Trixie announced.
    “We didn’t find much, either,” Brian confessed.
    “Only an old cardboard carton,” Jim added, “and that didn’t tell us anything. It was lying by the side of the road. It fell off someone’s truck, I guess. I’ll clear it away later.” The Bob-Whites stared at each other.
    “In any case,” Brian said at last, “I’m going to make sure everything’s locked up tight here while we’re away.”
    “Including the chickens?” Di asked, quickly smothering a grin.
    Trixie frowned. “Chickens?”
    “Di means that Mart forgot and left the gate to the chicken run open,” Jim explained.
    “He’s almost rounded them up,” Dan said, “but I guess it’s going to take him a while longer to get all of them. You want me to help you get everything locked up here, Brian?”
    Brian sighed. “No, thanks, I’ll do it. But I’d better give Mart a hand. For crying out loud, how could he have been dumb enough to let those chickens out?”
    “See what I mean, Brian?” Trixie said slowly. “Mart’s so busy worrying about something that he’s just not paying attention to anything.”
    Brian moved toward the front door. “Why don’t you guys go on to school? Mart and I will follow as soon as we can.”
    “But don’t you want to see Trixie’s surprise?” Di called after him.
    Brian paused, then groaned and ran his hand through his dark, wavy hair. “Don’t talk to me about surprises,” he said. “I’ve had enough surprises this morning to last me a lifetime.”
    No one said anything until Jim had backed the big station wagon out of the driveway and had headed its nose in the

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