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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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his son.”
    The base of my tail shared that it loved Benny and wanted to keep him around forever. “I know how they did it.”
    “How who did what?” Ralph asked.
    I didn’t answer. I was too busy looking for a minion. Of any kind. Only, none were in evidence. I considered the possibility that this was a trap -- the possibility was high. Then again, we didn’t have a lot else to work with. Because if I didn’t get the beings responsible for the spell that had blocked Jude onto our side, pronto, we were probably going to lose.
    There were two distinct groups of people in this church -- those who clearly spent their lives preaching the Word in one way or another and what I was about a hundred percent sure were our favorite group of deaders’ nearest and reasonably dearest. They were divided, with the Right Reverend and his wife literally bridging the gap.
    The humans were involved in what seemed like an animated conversation on both sides, but they noticed us, finally. A man dressed in what I was pretty sure were African ceremonial religious robes nudged Reverend Johnson and he gave us his attention. No toothy smile, though. None of the humans looked happy.
    “Can we help you?” Johnson asked.
    I strode forward, Ralph trotting next to me, Benny scurrying behind. “Detective Wolfe, Prosaic City P.D. I’d like to ask you some questions.”
    The humans all looked at each other. Clearly, questions were not on tonight’s church social agenda. “What about?” Johnson asked. “And why do you have a…dog…in here?”
    “K9 unit. He’s trained to sniff out drugs, bombs and illegal immigrants.” Ralph started sniffing all the attendees. “Good boy. So, Anthony Tomio, how many of you know him? Oh, and protestations that you’ve never heard the name will be met by some nasty police brutality.”
    “Brutality?” Johnson asked.
    “I believe in truth in advertising. Now, show of hands, how many here know or have at least met Tomio?” I ensured my voice didn’t sound kindly and Ralph put on the low-level growl that all canines can do that shares said canine is considering the benefits of going Cujo.
    Led by the few kids in attendance, all those in the relatives crowd raised their hands, some quite slowly. Seeing this caused a goodly portion of the religious leaders’ paws to go into the air, the Right Reverend and his wife included. With typical group behavior, finally all arms were raised. Minus one.
    The one individual who didn’t raise a limb was small and mousy-looking, dressed like an old-fashioned Anglican minister. “I’m afraid I don’t know who you’re referring to,” he said nervously as I gave him the full benefit of my attention.
    This time I didn’t even need to give an under-the-breath command. Ralph was on him faster than a starving dog on a week-dead possum. The little guy shrieked and the humans started to make a fuss.
    “Humans -- back off!” I barked, literally. I was louder that way.
    The “little man” changed fast. He was still little, but a lot more powerful. I heard one of the women shriek. “He looks like Adolph Hitler!”
    Ralph and Hitler boiled around each other. Ralph was doing serious damage, but Hitler was talking, and that wasn’t good. I desperately wanted to get in there and help kick evil warlock butt, but I didn’t think it was wise to leave Benny and the special bag unprotected.
    Happily for all, Black Angels One and Two deigned to take an interest. There was a flurry of wings and then Ralph jumped back and out of the fray. He scrambled back to me and Benny. “That was gross. He tastes awful. Worse than the Adversary.”
    We both gagged. “I didn’t think that was possible.”
    “Are they winning?” Benny asked nervously.
    I turned back and watched them rend Hitler limb from limb. I heard him begging for mercy. Miriam laughed, a very harsh, terrifying laugh. The humans huddled closer together, both groups mingling out of fear.
    “Why are they being so…horrible to him?” one of them asked.
    Magdalena looked over her shoulder. “Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Then she went back to the task at hand.
    Ralph went to the woman who’d asked. “He actually is Adolph Hitler. And before they were angels, before they had a place in the pantheon of the religions of this world, they were Jews. Think about it.” He looked around. “Anyone else with a stupid question?” There was a pleasant silence, if you didn’t count the sounds

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