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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

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am Ishtrallum, the owner of this establishment, here to help you. However, I prefer to know who I’m speaking with.” Every “s” elongated. He sure wasn’t trying to hide what he was.
    “Again, I’ll bet. Shockingly, I don’t plan to tell you. Tomio, you seen him lately?”
    The fake smile disappeared. “No. Look, I don’t like cops in here unless they’re here for a good reason. You’re not.” He waved at Freddy and Sexy Cindy. “Take your flunkies and get out. Unless you’re all on your night off and here for a good time. In which case, happy to assist.”
    “Where’s Tomio?
    “Don’t know, don’t care. His tab’s paid up, and that’s all I care about in regard to a human.” Against what I would have thought possible, Ishtrallum’s eyes narrowed. “What’s this really about? Our taxes are paid up, I own the building, and there’s nothing illegal going on here.”
    I managed not to bark a laugh. “There’s nothing legal going on in here, and you know it.”
    Ishtrallum shrugged. “True. However, the cops leave us alone. You looking for a payoff?”
    This wasn’t going exactly how I’d figured. “Uh, no. We’re looking for Anthony Tomio. And…some other beings.”
    He shrugged again. “Tomio’s not here. Feel free to search the place. If you don’t want a bribe, a drink, or anything else we offer, why don’t you search fast and leave faster?”
    “When did you see Tomio last?”
    Watching a lesser snake-demon roll its eyes is always fun. “Look, bitch -- and I mean that being-to-being -- I’m just trying to make a living here. I do well, keep myself out of trouble, and provide what the patrons want. The cops on this beat never bothered me. Why are you?”
    “Did the uniforms come in here?” Jack asked.
    Ishtrallum shrugged again. “Once in a while. Usual cop stuff. They were clean if you’re on some sort of internal affairs thing. Took free drinks but no money.”
    I was getting the horrible feeling Ishtrallum was telling the truth. “Why does the building have an avoidance spell on it?”
    “It’s got an ignorance spell on it, actually,” he said with a touch of derision. “And, I can’t imagine why I’d want that with Necropolis Enforcement wandering around. Look, I can’t make money in the Levels.”
    “Levels?” Jack asked.
    “Levels of Hell. Why not?”
    The snake-demon sighed. “Too damned much competition. What resident of the Levels or turned anything thinks a joint like this is decadent? I’ll tell you -- none. But here on the human plane? I’ve got the hottest spot around. I make a fortune.”
    “Is that why you helped Abaddon and Apollyon enter this plane?”
    It was more interesting to see a snake-demon’s eyes open wide. Ishtrallum’s were the size of golf balls. “What the hell are you saying?” He looked horrified and sounded terrified.
    “I’m saying they’re here and they came through your business to get here. Separately, I might add.”
    He shook his head. “Impossible. I’d know. I’m always here --” He stopped himself and narrowed his eyes. “You said they came through separately. Was one time a few months ago?”
    “Yes, as far as we know.”
    “And the other, night before this one?”
    “Yes. Why?”
    He hissed. Literally. “That slime bag. I don’t take a lot of time off, but even I need a break from success and wild living. I was off yesterday, and the last time I took time was a few months ago. Betting it coincides with the arrivals.”
    “Why are you telling us this?” Jack asked.
    Another hiss. “I’m happy here! I’m making money tail over fang, I have a nice house in the Estates, I’m respected as a successful businessman by the humans and as a being who flies quietly and legally under the Necropolis radar. Why would I want to muck that up by helping bring about Armageddon?” His eyes narrowed again. “But him? Oh yeah, I can see him thinking that would be a great idea.”
    “Who, exactly, is this ‘him’ you’re referring to?”
    “My assistant manager and junior partner, and, if you’re right, still the biggest Roman bastard there ever was.”
    “Does said bastard have a name?” Jack asked.
    The base of my tail did some fast calculations, and Ishtrallum and I answered together. “Nero.”

Chapter 30
    “Nero?” Jack asked. “As in ‘fiddled while Rome burned’ Emperor Nero?”
    “One and the same,” Ishtrallum hissed, with heavy emphasis on the hissing. Either he was a great

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