there?” She put her hand up, “No, let me guess. One buck and twenty does?”
“Yeah. I think so. You psychic or something?” His fluffy moustache wiggled as he spoke.
“Hardly. I just know my husband. Twenty does and a buck—the perfect starter herd. I’ve heard him say it a million times.” Her eyes welled with tears, but she felt happy to be standing here in the middle of this dream.
Several male cardinals flitted in a tangle of bright yellow forsythia. They whistled back and forth. Kasey thought of Riley. If Riley had been here, she’d remind her that the birds were a sign. A lucky sign.
“Cardinals, good luck,” she said quietly, and she believed it, because this was the first day she’d felt like herself in months.
“What do you think?” Chaz asked.
She hugged her arms around herself. “I think I married the most wonderful man in the world.”
He nodded.
“Are you in a hurry?”
“No, honey, I’m not in a hurry. You take all the time you need.”
“Do you mind if I take some pictures?”
“Not at all. I’m just gonna sit out here on the swing. You go on.”
She wandered through the rest of the big house—big enough to fill with the additional two children that she and Nick had hoped for. But there wouldn’t be any more babies in her future. Shaking off the gloomy thought, she continued touring the rooms.
Nick had designed the most amazing darkroom and lab for her, and right off that room he’d built what she knew he intended for her framing and scrapbooking projects. In a large L that lined two entire walls were slanted, counter-height work surfaces that lifted to offer storage. Her heart tugged at the sight of the bins with cubbyholes, perfect for designer scrapbook paper, and pegboard with hooks for scissors and other supplies. He’d thought of everything. In the closet there were slots to store glass and mat board without damage.
She carried her camera from room to room, photographed the house inside and out, from every angle. Then she walked outside and took pictures of the landscape. Breathtaking.
She walked over to the porch. “Thank you for everything, and for your part in this surprise. It’s wonderful.” Kasey nodded in appreciation. “I could live here.”
“It’s yours. No reason you can’t.”
Realization struck. She felt lighter as everything became clear. “You’re right. I guess I could.”
He nodded.
“Yes. Yes, I can, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
“You’ll love it. I grew up around here. The people are nice. It’s a great place to raise that little boy of yours.”
She wasn’t ready to talk about Jake. Did Chaz really need to hear about that right now? Her heart couldn’t take the switch in emotions and right now she felt happier than she had in a long time. No sense screwing that up.
“How soon could I move in?” Her mind hummed on all cylinders, thinking about how to make this happen.
“It’s Nick’s gift to you. You can stay tonight if you want to.”
She put her hand over her mouth and nose and breathed in. Her eyes tingled, but this time the tears weren’t filled with sadness. She felt joy, or peace—something good inside. “No. But I will be back soon.”
Chaz smiled and put his arm around her shoulder, dropping the key into her hand. “Welcome to the neighborhood, Kasey. It’s all yours.”
She clung to the keys, holding them close to her heart.
Chapter Sixteen
Kasey tapped the steering wheel as she drove. She felt alive again. For the first time in months, she had a clear direction.
Until she and Nick had fallen in love, she never would have considered living outside of the city limits. In fact, many times she’d considered moving to New York City, Chicago, or even Atlanta to get closer to the action. No one had been more surprised than she when she felt so at home in Pungo with Nick. Of course, that was because Nick had been there. Even so, she could picture herself living in that adorable home on Nickel Creek Road.
She laughed when she realized Nick could be short for Nickel.
Funny coincidence. I bet you noticed it right off, didn’t you, Nick? A selling point, right?
He’d thought of everything. She wouldn’t have to pack much except for her clothes and a few personal items. Her dreams with Nick could still survive, and she intended to live them. Nick and Jake would always be in her heart. No one could cheat her out of that.
Nick would have wanted her
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