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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
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walked into the kitchen.
    “You look beat,” Scott said. He gave her a hug and nodded to Riley.
    “Want a cup?” Riley lifted her porcelain teacup to her lips.
    “I’m not a tea kind of guy.” Scott held up his pinky. “Not me.”
    Kasey couldn’t help but snicker.
    Riley went to the fridge. “How about one of these?” She grabbed a beer and held it out.
    “I am off duty.” He smiled, accepted the beer, then turned to Kasey. “You hanging in there?”
    “It’s torture to sit here waiting. What am I supposed to do?” She chewed the inside of her cheek, holding back tears.
    “You could pray,” Scott said in a soft comforting tone. “I added Jake to the prayer list at church. Hope you don’t mind.”
    Kasey looked into his eyes. “That was really nice.”
    “I didn’t know if you were a church-goer, but most of us go to the same church around here. I take my mom every Sunday. Wish I could say I thought of the idea of putting Jake on the prayer list, but it was her idea.”
    “Thank you.” His thoughtfulness surprised her over and over again.
    “If you ever care to join us, just let me know. That’s not why I came, though. I was wondering, what’s on your calendar for the next couple of days?” Scott twisted off the cap of the beer bottle and took a sip.
    “Waiting. Lots of it, if I have to guess.” Kasey clapped her hands over her mouth. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain. I’m just a mixed bag of emotions today. Ignore me.”
    “It’s okay,” Scott said. “We all understand, but it does take time to vet this stuff out.”
    “You and Von both already gave me that lecture.”
    “Managing expectations,” he corrected her.
    “Whatever. I should be relieved that we’re getting so close and we have proof that Jake’s alive—and I am. But I never gave up hope that he was alive. I’ve known that all along. The other part of me is so mad I want hunt down that woman myself, kick her ass, and take my child back. Then I’d ask questions, or maybe not. I just want Jake back.”
    Scott flipped the beer cap in the air and caught it with one hand. “Kasey, you can drive yourself crazy like that.”
    “Short trip,” she said.
    “Or get arrested for real,” Riley added.
    “I’d get off on temporary insanity, that’s for sure.”
    “Don’t talk like that,” Riley said. “We’re going to find him, and things are going to be back to normal before you know it.”
    “I’m not sure I even know what normal is anymore,” Kasey said. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Riley, but I wish you and Von would go home. Y’all don’t have to babysit me. I’m sad. I’m mad. I’m downright pissed-off about all of this, but I’m fine. I’m not fragile.”
    “I’m always just a phone call away, too. You know that, right?” Scott said, glancing from Kasey to Riley.
    “I know. You’re great. Thanks,” Kasey said.
    Scott nodded. “Don’t let the anger eat you up. The woman has no record, and the neighbor said Libby adores Jake. Be thankful for that. Cling to it.”
    Kasey bowed her head into her hands and groaned. “I know it’s good news. It could be so much worse.” She lifted her head. “It’s been worse. All these months, waiting, worrying. How am I ever going to get through this?”
    “I have an idea about that,” Scott said. “I was thinking we could do a little investigative work together. I was talking to Von about it a minute ago.”
    “What kind of investigative work?” Kasey asked.
    “We can go back through the evidence collected at the scene of the crash,” Scott said.
    “They searched all that stuff,” Riley said. “They didn’t get any leads from it.”
    “I know. Maybe Kasey and I will see something they missed. It might trigger an idea or connection, now that we know a little more. It couldn’t hurt.” Scott shrugged. “It might be a long shot, but any shot is better than no shot at all.”
    “Can we do that?” asked Kasey.
    Scott nodded. “I can arrange it.”
    Kasey smiled. “How did I get so lucky to meet you, and have such great friends?” She grabbed Riley’s hand, and then Scott’s. “Y’all are the best.”
    “I don’t know how you got so lucky to find Riley and Von, but be thankful you drive a finicky foreign car with electrical problems.” He laughed. “Or you can thank Deputy Dan.”
    “Funny.” She rolled her eyes. “I haven’t forgiven him yet.”
    Riley put her teacup in the dishwasher. “Well, if y’all are

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