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Titel: Untamed Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: P.C. Cast
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off her head. I waggled my eyebrows at her stunned look. Then I turned to my right, facing south.
    "Fire, the evening is cool and, as always, we have need of your protecting warmth. Come to me, fire!"
    The cool wind suddenly went warm, hot even. I could hear the crackling of a blazing fireplace surrounding me, and it felt like Sister Mary Angela and I were getting ready to roast weenies on a balmy summer night.
    "My goodness!" I heard her gasp.
    I smiled and turned to my right again. "Water, we need you to cleanse us and relieve the heat fire brings. Come to me, water!"
    It was with more than a little relief that I felt the heat instantly doused in the scent and touch of a spring rain. My skin didn't get wet, but it should have. It was like being dropped down in the middle of a rainstorm and washed, cooled, and renewed.
    Sister Mary Angela tilted her face up to the sky and opened her mouth, as if she thought she could actually catch a raindrop.
    I continued to my right. "Earth, I always feel close to you. You nurture and protect. Come to me, earth!"
    The spring rain metamorphosized into a newly cut field of summer hay. The rain-cooled breeze was now thick with alfalfa and sun and the happy sounds of playing children.
    I looked at the nun. She was still sitting on the bench, but she'd pulled off her wimple so that her short gray hair blew around her face as she laughed and breathed deeply of the summer breeze, making her look like a pretty child again.
    She felt my gaze on her and she met my eyes just as I raised my arms over my head. "It is spirit that unites us, and spirit that makes us unique. Come to me, spirit!"
    As always the sweetly familiar sensation of my soul lifting caught me and filled me as spirit answered my call.
    "Oh!" Sister Mary Angela's gasp didn't sound freaked or angry. It sounded awed. I watched as the nun bowed her head and pressed the rosary beads that she wore around her neck to her heart.
    "Thank you, spirit, earth, water, fire, and wind. You may depart now with my thanks. I appreciate you!" I cried, throwing wide my arms as the elements swirled playfully around me and then dissipated into the night.
    Slowly, I walked back to the bench and took my seat beside Sister Mary Angela, who was smoothing her hair and reaffixing her wimple. Finally she looked at me.
    "I've long suspected it."
    That was so not what I'd expected her to say. "You suspected that I can control the elements?"
    She laughed. "No, child. I've long suspected that the world is filled with unseen powers."
    "No offense, but that's weird for a nun to say."
    "Really? I don't think it's so weird when you remember I'm married to what is in essence a spirit." She hesitated, then continued, "And I have felt the stirrings of these powers—"
    "Elements," I interrupted. "They're the five elements."
    "I stand corrected. I have felt the stirrings of these elements often before at our abbey. Legend has it the abbey is built on an ancient place of power. You see, Zoey Redbird, fledging Priestess, what you have shown me tonight is more validation than shock."
    "Huh, well, that's good to hear."
    "So, you were explaining how the Ghigua Women created a maiden from clay who entrapped the fallen angel, and the Raven Mockers sang a song about his return, and then turned into spirit? Then what happened?"
    I grinned at her matter-of-fact tone before my expression got serious again. "Apparently nothing much happened for a bunch of years—like a thousand or so. Then, just a few days ago, I started hearing what I thought were crows cawing obnoxiously at night."
    "You don't think they're crows?"
    "I know they're not. First of all, cawing is not really what they did—they croaked."
    She nodded. "Ravens croak. Crows caw."
    I nodded. "So I've recently learned. Second, not only have I been attacked by two of them, but I saw one last night. It was listening in at my window when Grandma was saying where she'd be driving to today while I was asleep. It was while she was driving that she had her weird, and almost fatal, 'accident.'" I made air quotes around accident. "Witnesses said it was caused by a huge black bird flying directly at her car."
    "Mother of God! Why were the Raven Mockers after your grandmother?"
    "I think they were after her to get to me and to be sure she didn't help us any more than she already has."
    "Help you and who else with what?"
    "Help me and my fledgling friends. Most of them have single affinities for the elements, and one of my

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