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Titel: Untamed Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: P.C. Cast
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"Sister, if I don't do it . . . If my friends and I don't get Kalona stopped and he does rise, it's going to be bad for people around here, especially female people. You'll need to get somewhere underground. Do you know someplace, like a basement or a cellar or even a cave, that you can get to quickly and stay for a while?"
    She nodded. "Under our abbey there is a large cellar that was once used for many things. Including hiding illegal liquor during the twenties, if old stories are to be believed."
    "Well, that's where you should go. Take the other nuns—hell, take all the Street Cats, too. Just get underground. Kalona hates the earth, and he won't follow you there."
    "I understand, but I am going to believe you will be victorious."
    "I hope you're right, but promise me that you'll go underground if I'm not, and that you'll take Grandma with you." I looked into her eyes, expecting her to remind me that getting a wounded old woman out of intensive care and into the cellar or a nunnery wouldn't be particularly easy.
    Instead she just smiled serenely. "You have my word on it."
    I blinked at her in surprise.
    "Did you think that you were the only one who could wield magic?" The nun raised gray brows at me. "People rarely question the actions of a nun."
    "Huh. Well, good. Okay, then, I have your cell phone number. Keep it close. I'll call you as soon as I can."
    "Don't worry about your grandmother or me. Old women know how to take care of ourselves."
    I kissed her cheek again. "Sister, you're just like Grandma. You two will never be old."


    I didn't want to wait for Darius when I could have practically walked the short distance to the school in the time it would take him to get to his car, start it, and drive to the hospital, but I couldn't make myself. The night had gone from being a friend to a frightening, elusive enemy. While I waited for him, I dialed Stevie Rae's number.
    But she didn't answer. It didn't even ring, and instead went straight to her voice mail. And again I wondered just what kind of message I was supposed to leave. Hi, Stevie Rae, big prophecy and ancient evil I wanted to chat with you about before you walk into the middle of it tonight, but I guess I'll catch you later. Somehow I didn't think that would be very smart. So while I waited for Darius, I chastised myself for not calling Stevie Rae earlier, but Grandma's accident had consumed me.
    Which is exactly what the Raven Mockers had intended.
    Darius's black Lexus pulled up to the curb by the ER entrance, and he hopped out to open the door for me.
    "How is your grandmother?"
    "There's really no change, which the doctor says is a good thing. Sister Mary Angela is sitting with her tonight, so I can go ahead and lead the cleansing ritual."
    Darius nodded and swung the car around so we could head the short distance back to the school. "Sister Mary Angela is a powerful priestess. She would have made an excellent vampyre."
    I smiled. "I'll tell her you said so. Anything happen today at school I should know about?"
    "There was some talk about postponing the ritual when news of your grandmother's accident got out."
    "Oh, no! We shouldn't do that," I said quickly. "It's too important to postpone."
    He gave me a curious look, but said only, "That is what Neferet said. She convinced Shekinah to go ahead with tonight's schedule."
    "Did she?" I mused aloud, wondering why it was so important to Neferet that I go ahead with the ritual tonight. Maybe she had some inkling that Aphrodite had lost her earth affinity and so she was looking forward to what she hoped would be a major embarrassment for her and for me. Well, Neferet was in for a big surprise if that's what she expected.
    "You are cutting it pretty close, though," Darius said, glancing at the digital clock on the dash. "You have barely enough time to change your clothes and get to the east wall."
    "That's okay. I'm great under time-crunch pressure," I lied.
    "Well, I do believe Aphrodite and the rest of the group have everything prepared for you."
    I nodded and smiled at him. "Aphrodite, huh?"
    He smiled back at me. "Yes, Aphrodite."
    We pulled up to the sidewalk, and Darius got out to open my door for me. "Thanks, boyfriend," I teased. "See you at the ritual."
    "I would not miss it for the world," he said.
    "Ohmigod! Is your grandma okay? I was so upset when I heard!" Jack burst like a little gay tornado into my dorm room, practically choking me in an exuberant hug. Duchess crowded to me

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