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Titel: Untamed Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: P.C. Cast
Vom Netzwerk:
nodded in agreement. "Zoey, before you depart tomorrow, I would like you to come to me and tell me who is going to join you."
    "I will," I said.
    "I wish you all blessed be," she said formally.
    "Blessed be," we responded.
    Shekinah smiled again. With a slight motion of her hand, she gestured for Lenobia and Ate to follow her, and the three of them left the room.
    "Wow," Damien said, looking more than a little starstruck. "Shekinah! That was utterly unexpected, and she was even more resplendent than I'd imagined. I mean, I wanted to say something, but I was completely flummoxed."
    We were hanging around out in the hall while the room emptied of Council Members and warriors, so Damien was barely speaking above an excited whisper.
    "Damien, for once we are not gonna give you a hard time about your pain-in-our-ass vocab obsession," Shaunee said.
    "Yeah, 'cause it takes some seriously big words to describe Shekinah," Erin said.
    "Later," Aphrodite said to me after rolling her eyes at the Twins. "I'm going to see if I can do a little flummoxing with Darius."
    "Huh?" I said.
    "That isn't the correct use of the word," Damien told her.
    "Yeah, you were thinking of another word," Erin said.
    "But it, too, starts with an F, which is probably what confused you," Shaunee said.
    "Brain-sharers and Vocab Boy—I say a big whatever to you." She started to move off down the hall in the direction Darius had taken. "Oh, and I also say don't be all jealous and pissy when Zoey tells you I'm the one she's taking with her tomorrow," Aphrodite said, giving me the look, which clearly meant there was a definite reason she had to go with me. Then she tossed her hair and twitched away.
    "Hating her," Erin said.
    "Ditto, Twin," Shaunee said.
    I sighed. My grandma would say that I was taking one step forward and two backward in the whole getting-my-friends-to-like-Aphrodite situation. I'd just say they were all giving me a headache.
    "She seriously bugs, but my guess is you're going to take her with you to Street Cats tomorrow," Damien said.
    "Yeah, your guess is right," I said reluctantly. I really didn't want to piss my friends off again, but even without knowing Aphrodite's reasons for wanting to go with me, it only made sense. Maybe she had a plan to ditch Darius and find Stevie Rae.
    "You could have told us earlier about the psychic thing," Damien said as we started out of the main building and headed back toward the dorms.
    "Yeah, you're probably right, but I figured the less I said about it, the less you'd think about it and the reasons I wasn't saying anything more to you guys," I said.
    "Makes sense now," Shaunee said.
    "Yeah, we get it now," Erin said.
    "I'm glad you weren't just keeping stuff from us," Jack said.
    "But you still should have told us the Loren stuff," Erin said.
    "Actually, when you're done with your grief and whatnot, we'd still really like to hear the Loren details," Shaunee said.
    I raised my brows at their identical looks of curiosity. "Don't count on it," I said.
    They frowned.
    "Give the girl some privacy," Damien said. "The Loren thing was very traumatic for her, what with the Imprint and the loss of virginity and Erik !"
    The Erik part of Damien's mini-lecture had come out as a very odd squeak. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong with him when I noticed that his eyes had gone huge and round and were fixed over my left shoulder and behind me, where I heard the distinct sound of a side door off the main school building closing. With a terrible sinking in my stomach, I, along with the Twins and Jack, turned to see Erik emerging from the wing of the school we had just been passing, which, of course, held the drama room.
    "Hi, Damien, Jack." he gave Jack, his ex-roommate, a warm smile, and I could see the kid almost wriggling with pleasure as he gushed a big hello back.
    My stomach, naturally, tried to turn itself inside out at this reminder of one of the many reasons I liked Erik so much. He was popular and totally to-die-for handsome, but he was also a truly nice guy.
    "Shaunee, Erin," Erik continued, nodding at them. The Twins smiled, fluttered their lashes, and said hi in unison. At last, he looked at me. "Hello, Zoey." His voice had changed from the easy, friendly tone he'd used with everyone else. He didn't sound hateful, though. Instead he sounded cool and polite. I thought this might be an improvement, but then I remembered what a good actor he was.
    "Hi." I couldn't say anything else. I'm not a

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