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Titel: Untamed Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: P.C. Cast
Vom Netzwerk:
sneaked her a quick wink. I didn't say it out loud, but it definitely looked like she was becoming one of the nerd herd.
    "So, now that you guys know everything, we have a lot of work to do," I said. I had everyone's attention. "Like Stevie Rae said, we gotta make sure if Stark wakes up, he doesn't do it with Neferet there all waiting to make him into her minion."
    "Ugh," Shaunee said.
    "It's so damn gross, 'cause he was so damn fine," Erin said.
    "He might still be fine," Jack said. Then he gasped and covered Duchess's ears. "And if you're going to talk about him I think we should either just call him J.S. or spell his name. You know, out of respect for Duchess."
    I looked into Duchess's brown eyes. For a moment I got trapped there, and I swear I saw pain and loss and a deep, limitless kindness.
    "Okay, we'll just use his initials," I said, relieved because maybe if I just used Stark's initials, I wouldn't think about that it was really him we were discussing, and then I wouldn't remember how much we'd connected right before he died.
    "So, instead of trying to snatch, uh, J.S.'s body and hiding it in Z's closet or wherever, I, of course, had a much better idea." Aphrodite paused to be sure she had everyone's attention. "I got a nanny cam."
    "Oh, cool!" Jack said. "I saw that on Dr. Phil the other day. God, it was just awful. Some horrid and, may I say, fat, poorly dressed nanny was caught by one of them shaking the crap out of some poor little kid."
    "Then you know about them?" Aphrodite said.
    "Yep," he said.
    "Good. You need to sneak down to the morgue. Install the camera, and then bring the remote monitor back to Zoey. Think you can handle that?" Aphrodite said.
    Jack blanched. "The morgue? As in where they keep dead bodies?"
    "Don't think of it like that," I said quickly. "J.S. might just be sleeping, only without the breathing part."
    "Oh," Jack said, looking totally unconvinced.
    "Can you do it?" I asked, unbelievably relieved that I knew nothing about electronics and this couldn't be my job.
    "Yes. I can do it. I promise," Jack said resolutely, hooking an arm around Duchess's neck.
    "Good, then that problem is dealt with." At least until he woke up, if he woke up, but I was hoping I had a couple of days before I had to deal with all the ramifications of that. Actually, it was hard for me to think about Stark at all, so I hastily changed the subject. "We need to get back to the prophecy. I'm really worried that the line that says 'through the hand of the dead' is talking about Stevie Rae."
    "I still don't think Stevie Rae would be involved in raising this fallen angel," Damien said.
    "But there are more of those other new kind of vampyres, right?" Jack said.
    "Well, not really more of the vamps," I explained. "Stevie Rae is the only one who has completely gone through the Change. But there are quite a few fledglings."
    "It makes more sense that it would be one of them," Damien said.
    "Yeah, Stevie Rae is not gonna get mixed up with a bad guy," Erin said.
    "Nope, not a chance," Shaunee agreed.
    Aphrodite just looked at me. She and I didn't say anything.
    "But Zoey said the other kids are, well, gross," Jack said.
    "They are," Aphrodite said. "They're like"—she paused, and then her eyes lit up—"they're like blue collar workers. Eesh."
    "Aphrodite, there is nothing wrong with blue collar workers," I said, completely exasperated.
    "Huh? I hear your words, but you're making no sense."
    I rolled my eyes. "Okay, the truth is that in actuality, the red fledglings might be disgusting only in Aphrodite's weird world. I haven't seen any of them since Stevie Rae Changed, and she's told me that they're under control and have their humanity back, so I'm going to try to withhold judgment."
    "Well, whether they're really gross or just being class-stereotyped by Gossip Girl, I think we need to keep an eye on them," Damien said. "We need to know what they're doing. Who they're talking to. What they're thinking. If we know all of that, we'll also know if this demon guy is trying to contact one of them and use him for his nefarious means."
    "Nef—what?" Shaunee said.
    "Arious—who?" Erin said.
    "It means 'wicked in the extreme,' " Jack whispered to the Twins.
    "Well, then it's a good thing that Stevie Rae and her red fledglings are coming to the ritual tomorrow," I announced.
    My friends gaped at me.
    I looked at Aphrodite. She sighed. "I don't have an earth affinity anymore," she admitted. Then she reached up and with the

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