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Titel: Untamed Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: P.C. Cast
Vom Netzwerk:
could be the queen Tsi Sgili, because Stevie Rae is definitely not evil."
    Aphrodite gave me a hard look, then said, "Look, Stevie Rae isn't the same as she used to be."
    "Which is only logical because she's been through a lot," I said quickly. No matter what, I wasn't willing to believe that Stevie Rae was bad. Different, yes. But bad, no way. Then I had another thought. "You know, it really makes more sense that one of those other gross kids could be the Tsi Sgili. I mean, you even said they were still—" I stopped, finally realizing that Aphrodite was making a small Cut! gesture while Damien and the Twins stared openmouthed at me.
    "Uh, yeah. Are you remembering not everyone knows about the other kids?" Aphrodite said. Then she rolled her eyes at the dumfounded looks on my friends' faces. "Well, oopsie. Hey, I'll just let Zoey handle this one. Go ahead, explain the freaks to the geeks, Z."
    Ah, crap. I forgot they don't know about the red fledglings.
    I decided to be firm. Just tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and get it over with. And if all else failed, I would burst into tears.
    "Okay. Remember all those other dead kids?"
    They nodded kinda woodenly at me.
    "Nasty Elliot and Elizabeth No Last Name and, well, some other kids, too?"
    They nodded again.
    "They didn't die. They did what Stevie Rae did—only, well, different. It's really kinda awkward to explain." I hesitated, trying to find the right words. "But basically they're still alive, and their blue crescents have changed to red crescents and they live in the tunnels with Stevie Rae."
    Weirdly enough, it was sweet Jack who saved me. "You mean this is more stuff you couldn't tell us 'cause you didn't want us accidentally thinking about it and having Neferet, who really isn't one of the good guys, listening in to our minds and finding out that you knew?"
    "Jack, I could kiss you," I said.
    "Oh, hee hees!" Jack giggled, ruffling Duchess's ears.
    Then I looked from him to my other friends. Would the Twins and Damien discount another passel of lies so easily? I saw the three of them share a long look.
    Damien spoke first. "Neferet is behind these undead dead kids, isn't she?"
    I hesitated, wanting to save them from the truth as long as possible.
    "Yes." Aphrodite took the choice away from me. "Neferet is definitely behind them. That's why Zoey didn't want to tell you guys about the other kids. Neferet is dangerous, and she wanted to keep you from that danger." She paused and looked at me. "But it's too late now. They have to know."
    "Yeah," I said slowly. "You all have to know."
    "Good," said Damien resolutely. He reached over and took Jack's hand that wasn't stroking Duchess. "It's time we knew everything. We're ready and we're not scared."
    "At least not very much," Jack said.
    "Yeah, you know how much we love us some good gossip," Erin said.
    "And this is some prime, inside, good gossip," Shaunee said.
    "Dorkamese Twins, you can't tell anybody the gossip," Aphrodite said, clearly disgusted.
    "Oh, please, we know that," Shaunee said.
    "Yeah, not now we can't, but in the future, this will be some wicked good gossip," Erin said.
    "All right," Damien interrupted. "Tell us, Zoey."
    I took a deep breath and told them everything. All about the first time I thought I'd seen "ghosts," which had ended up being that nasty Elliot kid and Elizabeth No Last Name (whom I'd had to zap with fire and make really, really dead to get Heath out of the tunnels) when they were actually undead. I told them about the tunnels and what happened when I rescued Heath. I told them about Stevie Rae, all about her. I even told them about Stark maybe coming back undead.
    When I was finished, there was a long shocked silence from my friends.
    "Wow," Jack said. He looked at Aphrodite. "So you're the only one she could tell about all this stuff because for whatever reason vamps can't read your mind?"
    "Yes," she said. I could see Aphrodite draw herself up and pull that cold, haughty look over her that meant she was readying herself for them to turn on her—to tell her that now that they knew everything she wouldn't be needed anymore.
    "That must have been hard, especially when we were being so mean to you," Jack said.
    Aphrodite blinked in surprise.
    "Yeah," Damien said. "Sorry about some of the stuff I said. You were being a good friend to Zoey, even when we weren't."
    "Ditto," said Shaunee.
    "Sadly, ditto here, too," said Erin.
    Aphrodite looked utterly stunned. I grinned and

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