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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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underthings to the world."
    "Mmm," Keir mused. "So my very proper Xyian woman is open and waiting for me, under this dress." His hand stilled.
    "Oh, yes." I smiled slowly, and spread my hands out over his chest, to tease the sparse hairs. I made sure to run the tips of my fingers over his nipples. "Unlace me, and you will see how open. How willing." His fingers pulled at the knot. "It may take some time to work my way through this tangle. I must have a care." Keir leaned in and brushed his lips over mine. "Marcus will have a fit if I harm this dress." I squirmed again, as he started to pull the laces through. "Keir. That will take forever."
    "I can think of a way to pass the time." His blue eyes gleamed, and he kissed me. They were long, slow kisses that left me moaning. Try as I might, I couldn't get him to hurry. I shifted my legs within the confines of the dress and the soft fabric slipped over my skin. "Keir," I begged. His fingers tugged at the next bit of lacings as his fingertips caressed the skin below. "So when I reach the end, and slowly pull your dress down, your breasts will be taut, and eager for my touch." Keir licked just below my ear, and I shuddered. "And when my hand slips under your dress, I will find you warm and ready." There was such satisfaction in his rough tone, a certain arrogance. I blinked at him, dazed with passion. His eyes were blazing, bright blue in his bronzed face. "Thus do I claim my Warprize." I moaned again, and closed my eyes, surrendering to the pleasure of his touch. But just before I lost myself, I remembered.
    Thank you, Goddess . . . Lady of the Moon and Stars, thank you.
    I awoke in the morning, feeling wonderful. Warm and safe, spooned against Keir, his arm over my waist. There were faint sounds from outside. Horses perhaps. The distant sound of someone working around a fire. That had to be Marcus, seeing to our meal. I lifted my head, and took a deep breath. Marcus was making bread tarts.
    My stomach rumbled.
    Carefully, I eased out of Keir's arms and reached for his cloak. I'd wrap up just long enough to get some thing from Marcus, and crawl back into bed with Keir. As I tied it at the neck, I smiled to see him sprawled over the bed, sleeping. Seems I'd worn my Warlord out the night before. I smiled even wider to see those white trous cling to his skin. Perhaps I could persuade him to take them off for me. After I got some food.
    I stepped out onto the flattened grass, and looked about. We were along the shore, a fair distance from the Heart. I couldn't see any movement in that direction. To my right, I could see a far smaller tent set up by the shore. That had to be Marcus's. There were horses there as well, grazing. One of them, a brown one, lifted his head and neighed a welcome. It was sure to be Greatheart. I started walking in that direction, clutching the cloak to me, and watching where I put my feet. There was a path of flattened grass that I followed, between the tufts of taller grasses. It wouldn't do to cut my feet on anything. I'd never hear the end of that from Marcus. Or Keir, for that matter. Marcus emerged from his small tent, and saw me coming. He waved in recognition, but started to work on some pans at the fire pit. I quickened my step, lured by the promise of warm bread tarts. The air was crisp, and the sun had not yet warmed the earth. I really should have put on my slippers, but the grass was soft enough.
    Marcus straightened as I approached, a pleased look on his face as I walked up to his fire. "Kavage, Warprize?" His voice was low. "The bread tarts will be done in a moment." I nodded. "And gurt, if you have some." I moved to stand in the area that had been cleared between the fire and the tall grasses. "Keir's still asleep."
    "No harm there," Marcus noted. He moved about the fire, and reached for the kavage pot. "Hisself could use the—"
    The grass behind him rustled with movement.
    With no other warning, Iften leapt out, armored, with a dagger in his hand, soaking wet, and covered in dirt and grass. Before I could even react, he lunged at Marcus from his blindspot. Frozen, I watched in horror as Iften plunged his dagger into Marcus's side. For one long horrible moment we stood, silent and stock-still. Iften jerked his blade free, and time flowed once again. Marcus clutched at his side. He staggered back from the fire, managing a harsh whisper before he collapsed. "Run!" I ran, screaming Keir's name.
    Iften lunged for me, his hand reaching out

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