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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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down by the water, far from any others, where you can be as private as the Warprize desires."
    "Warded?" Keir growled.
    "Yes," Marcus answered firmly. "Close enough to guard, but far enough for privacy. I'll be close as well, with all your gear." He glared at me. "Including your satchel."
    "Well, in that case," I said, smiling at Keir. "I'll wait long enough to see a pattern or two danced." Marcus handed us both mugs of kavage, and nudged us to draw our attention to the area in front of us. I looked, and laughed out loud. Atira had woven a pattern dance based on a chess game. The pieces were all there, and two players stood at either end of the 'board'.
    Only this game involved actual combat between the pieces. As each piece moved, it fought the others. It was a fascinating weaving of game and dance, and we all cried out our approval when the 'king' was finally checkmated.
    At the end, Keir rose and swept me up in his arms. Laughter and calls came from all sides as he strode from the circle, following Marcus. I could hear the grasses pull at his trous as he walked. In the distance, along the shore, I could see a tent, as private as I could wish it to be. Behind us, Simus rose and summoned the others to follow behind us. Keir and I would be safe for this night. I wrapped my arms about Keir's neck. "So, how shall we celebrate, my Warlord?" I asked playfully as he walked. "Perhaps you'd like to play a game of chess? Or I could read to you from the 'Epic of Xyson'."
    Keir growled low in his throat. "I have something else in mind, Lara."
    "Really? What might that be?" I asked, nuzzling his neck.
    He turned his head and whispered in my ear. I flushed, my face hot. "Walk faster, Keir."
    "As you command, Warprize."
    Keir dismissed Marcus and carried me into the tent. I was pleased to see the lamp that Keekai had given us, its light sputtering happily.
    Chuckling deep in his chest, Keir pinned me to the bed in one smooth movement and kissed me. I hummed in quiet pleasure, as he coaxed my lips open then explored my mouth, plundering deep then pulling back to nibble on the edge of my bottom lip.
    As he continued to explore, I felt his hands travel over the fabric of my dress to cup my breast. I reached out then, to explore his back, but felt only the hard leather of his armor. I pulled back. "Keir, I want to feel you."
    He rose then, one knee on the bed, and started to unstrap his weapons and the leather armor. I sighed, as he removed his clothing, one piece at a time. His eyes never left mine. "If you keep looking at me like that," he said, "this celebration will be over before it starts." I smiled at him. "Oh, I think you are warrior enough for this battle." I reached up, intending to pull the rib bons from my hair.
    Keir drew in a swift breath. "No, Lara. Let me do that." Still in his trous, he stretched out next to me, and tugged at the ribbons. My hair spilled out in a wave over his hand. Keir lifted a handful to his nose, and drew a deep breath. "I missed this. More than I thought possible."
    "My hair?" I asked playfully.
    "The sight of you." He studied me in all seriousness. "Your scent. Your presence in my tent. In my bed." He leaned down and planted kisses all over my face, soft warm touches to my skin. I closed my eyes as he moved to my jaw, nibbling along the edge. Keir sighed when I tilted my head back, granting him access. His warm breath caressed my damp skin. Finally, he moved back to claim my lips, and kissed me gently, until I was left breathless, tingling all over.
    But he broke the kiss, an odd look of pain in his eyes.
    "Keir," I asked softly, reaching up to cup his face, "what is it?"
    "Skies, I thought I'd sent you to your death." His eyes were filled with pain.
    "Stop." I rolled to my side, and started stroking his chest. I could feel him take a breath, and relax into my touch. "I'm here, alive and well."
    Keir buried his face in my hair, nuzzling my neck with a soft murmur of enjoyment. He reached out and pulled me closer so that our bodies touched. His hand moved down my back, to rest his fingers at the base of my spine, and toyed with the lacings.
    I wiggled a bit, at the faint teasing touch of his fingers as they eased through the lacings to caress my skin.
    "Keir, don't tease."
    "Tease?" His breath was warm on my neck. "And where are your underthings, my proper Xyian woman?"
    "They might have been seen." I moved my hips, trying to escape his teasing. "A proper Xyian woman does not expose her

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