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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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mounted on horseback. Everyone looked like they had spent the afternoon polishing their armor. Even the horses had ribbons in their manes and tails. Simus's smile was as wide as the sky. "Finally! It is time to claim your Warlord, Warprize!" I smiled right back. "Don't you all look wonderful!"
    Rafe, Prest, Ander, and Yveni all smiled back at me, looking their best. Simus laughed, his gold earrings gleaming in the light. He dismounted with a flourish. "We are your escort, Xylara, Daughter of Xy, Queen of Xy, and Warprize of the Plains. We will ride to the Council Circle."
    "Ride?" I looked over to where the Council tent was, only to find that it was gone. "Simus, where are we going?"
    "You will see." Simus held out his hand. "Let me help you to your horse, Warprize." I stepped forward. Simus wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me easily to Greatheart's back. Sure enough, the fabric of the skirt floated down around my legs with no problem. Simus mounted his horse, and we started to walk toward the lake. I looked around, astonished. The Heart was gone. Well, the tents were gone, all but mine. The only thing left was grass, both tall and flattened, to mark where the city had been. Ahead of us were the People of the Plains, all seated on the ground, laughing and talking. There was one wide walkway through them, which Simus took us down, keeping to a slow pace. I recognized now that the firepits I thought so random through the tents were arranged in a pattern around which the crowds of people now sat.
    As we reached the edge of the crowd, a cheer went up, and happy cries of 'Heyla' filled the air. Not all the faces reflected joy, but for the most part, my welcome was warm. Simus and my guards sat proudly as our horses walked down to where the Council tent had been.
    The tiers were gone now, and only Essa, Wild Winds and Reness stood there, before their stools. I caught a quick glimpse of a cushion on the one behind Essa. Where the tent had been, only the odd stone floor remained, a large circle of grey.
    Simus stopped his horse and roared out to the Council, "Eldest of the Elders of the Plains, I bring before you Xylara, Warprize!"
    The roar went up as the entire crowd stood. The ground seemed to shake as they all stomped their feet, and raised their voices. The hairs on my arms stood straight up, and my body shook. The excitement on the air was intoxicating, to say the least. Whatever the Elders might think, the People of the Plains were welcoming me with joy.
    Simus dismounted, and helped me to dismount from my horse. Once my feet were on the ground, he offered me his arm, in the Xyian fashion. I smiled and took it, and we walked to stand before the Eldest. There, Simus bowed to them, and then to me, and walked off the circle and into the crowd. Wild Winds held up his staff and the crowd went silent.
    The sky had grown a bit darker now, and a breeze had blown up, teasing my hair. I lifted a hand to pat at it nervously, and waited.
    "Xylara, Daughter of Xy," Reness spoke, her voice carrying over the crowd. I could hear her words repeated in the crowd behind me, creating an odd, echo-like effect. "You have been confirmed as Warprize of the Plains. We ask for the final time, do you wish to be released from this position?"
    "No," I replied firmly.
    "Xylara, Daughter of Xy." Essa's voice was high and clear. "You have been confirmed as Warprize of the Plains. We ask for the final time, do you wish to return to the lands of your people?"
    "No," I answered again, only to hear my response echoing behind me as the crowd repeated it.
    "Xylara, Daughter of Xy." Wild Winds spoke. "You have been confirmed as Warprize of the Plains. Do you wish to claim a Warlord?"
    "Yes," I answered.
    "Turn to the People, and claim your Warlord." Wild Winds gestured. I took a deep breath, and turned to face the crowd.
    The horses had been cleared away, all that remained were the people standing there, silent. I drew another deep breath of cold, sweet air. "'I claim Keir of the Cat as my Warlord!" My words were repeated, over and over. I could almost see them move over the crowd like a wave over water.
    "Warprize." Essa spoke, and his words were echoed by the crowd as well. "You choose a man stripped of his—"
    "Were he naked and helpless, ill or injured, still would I claim Keir of the Cat as my Warlord." My voice rang out, defiant and clear.
    The Eldest bowed their heads to me.
    Essa lifted his head first, and raised his hands. "The

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