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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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cripple. " Marcus hissed. Iften snarled, fumbling for his sword, but Marcus had already moved past. In the midst of all of this, I looked through the bodies and the horses to see Keir, standing tall and silent, watching me. I looked over to where Keekai was about to mount. "Keekai?" She turned and looked at me.
    "May I say goodbye to Keir?"
    "No." That from a warrior-priest mounted nearby. "It is forbidden."
    "Pah," Keekai mocked. "As if her mind can be changed with a simple farewell." She jerked her head in Keir's direction, which I took as permission. My warrior-priest guards moved with me, as I walked the short distance to his side.
    Keir stepped forward and I went into his arms willingly, wrapped in their warmth and security. I rested my head on his chest above his heart, and drew a deep breath. For one long, wonderful moment, I was safe in his arms, and the world around us vanished.
    I felt Keir draw in a breath as well, and knew he felt the same. I hugged him close, trying to commit the moment to memory, waiting for his arms to fall away. But they didn't. They tightened instead, as if he'd hold me forever.
    He couldn't let me go.
    I lifted my head, to see the doubt, worry, and fear in his bright blue eyes. I hesitated, and Keir's eyes changed, as if he'd made a decision of his own. His arms released me, and I knew in another moment, he'd pull his swords and refuse to let me go.
    I couldn't let him do that. It had to be my decision, my choice.
    I shook my head slightly, and he paused. Silently, he stood and waited.
    I went up on my toes, and pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth. Then I stepped back slightly, tucking myself under his shoulder, releasing him with my right hand.
    Keir looked down as I took his left hand in mine, and lifted it, to entwine our fingers together, our hands at the level of our chests. I happened to catch Joden looking at us intently from the crowd, but I ignored him and everyone else.
    Keir lowered his head to bury his face in my hair. "Are you certain, Lara?"
    "For our people. For us," I whispered fiercely.
    "For us," was his soft reply.
    But still, he could not let me go. So I smiled gently, and slipped from beneath his arm, from the safety of his strength, turned and mounted Greatheart. I settled myself in the saddle, and faced the horizon.
    "Keir, you should have said that she cannot ride." Keekai's voice rose behind me, and I stifled a laugh that was more of a sob. I didn't look back as I urged my sleepy brown horse into a gallop. With a snort, Greatheart launched himself forward.
    It took but a moment, then Keekai and the warrior-priests were beside me, galloping alongside, steering me in the right direction. Which was just as well.
    I couldn't see anything through my tears.
    "So," Keekai drew the word out. I looked across the brazier to see her bright blue eyes alight with curiosity.
    We'd traveled for most of the day, leaving Keir and the army behind, alternating our pace between a walk and a trot. As exposed as the Plains made me feel, they weren't truly flat. But at a distance, the gradual rises and hollows were hidden to the eye. Still, the lack of trees, of something between me and the horizon, was unsettling.
    We'd covered a great deal of distance, but Keekai had called a halt well before the sun had neared the horizon, much to the dismay of the warrior-priests.
    We were seated in her tent, a brazier glowing between us. Keekai had two warriors who took care of her tent, gear, and meals—Regular warriors, and I was thankful for that. I'd had my fair share of being glared at by tattooed warrior-priests all day.
    "So. We've heat and kavage, and bells at the flap. You know what the bells mean?" Keekai asked.
    "That we wish to be private." Keekai's tent was smaller than Keir's, but it was comfortable. Certainly it was warm enough. I was sweating under my tunic. Keekai wasn't though. She had a blanket over her lap, and another over her shoulders.
    "So. Why Iften?" Her face was intent and curious.
    I hesitated for a moment, but Keir had said that she could be trusted. So I smiled at her. "We have a saying in Xy. 'You can kill a cat with cream'."
    Keekai laughed.
    Iften had ridden next to me the entire day, apparently taking his duties seriously. He'd constantly scanned the horizon for trouble, but never once bothered to speak to me.
    Which was fine with me. I used the time to get a good look at his arm and fingers. Sure enough, they were swollen, and had a lifeless, curled

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