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Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

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magic, but the faint, tell-tale giveaway of Fae magic stripped away his attempt.
    “As I thought,” Fairsby said. “What are you?”
    Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 81 of 188
    “A friend of the whales,” Christophe said, waving a hand at the crowd. “Aren’t we all?”
    “Don’t be obtuse,” Fairsby replied in a measured tone. “I know you’re not human, but you’re not Fae, either. What are you? Not a shifter, to be sure.”
    “Obtuse. Isn’t that a triangle? How can a person be a triangle?” Christophe smiled in mock sympathy.
    “Too many glasses of that champagne, I bet. Right, old chap?”
    The Fae’s eyes flared a hot, molten gold and the monster inside him showed through Fairsby’s affable mask. “I saw you at the press conference,” he said, suddenly changing the subject. “Why? What is your interest in Vanquish?”
    “In what? Aston Martin had a press conference? That Vanquish is a sweet car,” Christophe said, beginning to enjoy tying the Fae’s guts into knots.
    “Not the car, the sword, as you well know. Let me give you a little warning, fool. Stay out of matters that are none of your concern, and leave Fae matters to Fae hands. Do you understand me?”
    Christophe glanced around and, seeing that nobody was within hearing distance, leaned in toward Fairsby, smiling as if offering friendly advice. Which, in a way, he was. “If any Fae hands so much as touch Lady Fiona Campbell or anyone she cares about, I will come for you first. I will rip out your lungs and feed your kidneys to the hounds of the nine hells. Do you understand me?”
    Fairsby’s eyes iced over, but he laughed. “I have been threatened by far better than you.”
    “Yeah,” Christophe said. “I get that a lot. But usually only once.”
    Maeve’s tinkling bell of a voice broke in before Fairsby could reply. “Boys, boys, boys, what are you talking about?” She put her hand on Fairsby’s arm. “Is my dear cousin giving you a boring lecture on British crime, Christophe?”
    “Cousin?” He studied them both. He was fair to her dark, but yes, he could see a slight resemblance, and it was true their power felt similar. Of course, with the Fae, anyone born to the same Court could claim kin right. Cousin, aunt, uncle, whatever. The Fae couldn’t lie, but they could stretch the truth out of all recognition.
    “Where is Fiona? If you’ve harmed her—”
    He sensed her before he heard her, coming from the opposite direction than that from which Maeve had approached. The quality of the light actually changed for him—became brighter.
    He frowned. If he was having thoughts about Fiona making the world a brighter place, he’d better go see Alaric and get his brain checked out. Maybe it was a tumor.
    He crossed the ten paces between them in three strides and caught her arm. “Please do not go off on your own again until we get this situation resolved. I do not wish to worry for your safety.”
    She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling. “You were worried for me? That’s—”
    Atlantis Betrayed – Warriors of Poseidon 06
    Page 82 of 188
    “Unbearably sweet.” Fairsby’s dry voice interrupted. He’d followed Christophe. Maeve was right behind him.
    “I see you met Lord Fairsby,” Fiona said.
    “We chatted for a moment,” Fairsby said. “On a matter of little importance.”
    “It seemed quite important from a distance,” Maeve said, staring avidly at Christophe. “Everyone was watching, too. I’ve warned you about that, you bad thing.” She playfully swatted at Fairsby’s arm, but he only tightened his lips instead of crushing her, so Christophe figured the two Unseelie had some sort of friendship going.
    As much as the Fae could have friends. Mostly they only had rivals for power, cutthroat enemies, or former enemies they’d graciously decided to ignore. The occasional ally. Not really known for friendship.
    Maeve pouted her red, red lips. “Don’t keep secrets. It’s so boring.”
    “No secrets here. Everything is out in the open,” Christophe said. “Fiona and I are planning to dance. If either of you come near her, I will remove your immortal heads from your immortal bodies, which will be an extremely unpleasant way to spend eternity. Say hi to Rhys na Garanwyn for me, won’t you? If you ever happen to socialize with Seelie Court Fae. Tell him he still owes me from our last poker game.”
    He inclined his head to them and, betting they wouldn’t kill him in the

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