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West of Eden

West of Eden

Titel: West of Eden Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Harry Harrison
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mastodons were halted at a signal from Herilak, the hunters moving quickly forward to stand in line between this unknown threat and the sammads. Now the beasts in the herd could be clearly seen, unknown creatures with long necks and legs. The leaders swerved when they saw the Tanu and galloped across their front, throwing up a billowing cloud of dust. It was from this dust that the murgu struck.
    There was more than one of them, large and indistinct creatures that pursued the fleeing herd. They bounded suddenly into sight. The nearest of them saw the shapes of the mastodon, screeched loudly, turned and attacked.
    Kerrick had his weapon raised and fired at the charging figure, again and again. It rose into the air, screaming, then fell and crashed into the grass before them as the poison took effect. Close enough so that the beast's bulging eye was just before Kerrick and seemed to be glaring into his. It kicked out its clawed feet in a spasm of agony, the mouth fell open and it roared fitfully. The rotten smell of its breath reached the hunters as it died.
    The mastodons were screaming now with fear, rearing up and threatening to crush the travois and those nearby. Some of the hunters ran to quiet them while the rest still faced outward, weapons ready.
    But the danger had passed. The herd was vanishing in the distance still pursued by the giant carnivores.
    Kerrick stepped forward warily towards the one they had killed. It lay unmoving now, a mound of dead flesh the size of a mastodon. A giant beast designed for slaughter, its rear legs long and muscled, its jaws filled with rows of pointed teeth.
    West of Eden - Harry Harrison
    "Can the flesh of this creature be eaten?" one of the hunters asked, turning to Kerrick.
    "I don't know. I've never seen anything like this before. But it is a meat eater and the murgu only eat the flesh of the animals that eat grass and leaves."
    "Let us move on," Herilak ordered. "We do the same. Leave this beast."
    The Tanu only ate the meat from carnivores when they were starving; the taste was strong and repellent and not to their liking. Now they had enough food and no desire at all to cut into this hideous creature.
    They went on quickly, the mastodons rolling their eyes and bellowing with fear as they passed the dead animal. Tanu and mastodon, they all wanted to be away from this place as quickly as they could.
    The plain teemed with life. Dark creatures that were obviously not birds soared above them. Great forms wallowed in a shallow lake which they prudently made a large circle to avoid. Smaller murgu, half-seen, moved away from them in the high grass. Though they stayed alert, their weapons ready, they were not attacked again. The day passed in this manner without further encounters. The shadows were getting long when they stopped to water their beasts at a stream. Herilak pointed to a low hill nearby that was topped by a thick growth of trees.
    "We will stop there for the night. The trees will give us protection and this water is close by."
    Kerrick looked up at the grove; it worried him. "We don't know what might be concealed there," he said.
    "Wouldn't we be better here on the plain where we could see anything approaching?"
    "We know now that this plain is alive with murgu during the day—but we don't know what moves in the darkness in this place. The trees will be our shelter."
    "Then we must be sure that we are the only ones sheltering there. Let some of the best hunters search there now before it is too dark to see."
    They went cautiously, but the trees hid nothing of any great danger. Small murgu, tails held high, ran before them. There was a great flapping and screeching when they disturbed some birds feeding on fruit in the trees above. Other than this the grove was empty. It would be a good place to stop.
    The mastodons quieted once they were freed of their burdens and were soon tearing at the green leaves.
    The boys brought the fire, carried in clay-lined baskets, and the tents were quickly set up. Guards were posted around the camp as darkness fell; they would be changed during the night.
    "We have done all that we can do," Herilak said. "We have survived our first day."
    "May we live through the night as well," Kerrick said. looking about worriedly. "I hope that we did not West of Eden - Harry Harrison
    make a mistake in coming here."
    "You bother yourself too much with things that cannot be changed. The decision was made. There was no other path to take."

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