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1936 On the Continent

1936 On the Continent

Titel: 1936 On the Continent Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Eugene Fodor
Vom Netzwerk:
electrification is proceeding on most of the remaining lines.
    There are excellent restaurant and buffet cars, available also to third class passengers. The food is good. I may tell you that when the King of Sweden travels by train he takes his meals, whenever possible, in the restaurant car.
    There are first, second and third class sleeping cars, but here, too, I want to put in a good word for the third class cars. Each compartment has separate toilet arrangements and takes three passengers, who are supplied not only with blankets but also with sheets and a pillow-case. Everything is spotlessly clean, all bedclothes being disinfected and given a thorough beating after each journey. It might amuse you to hear that when King Leopold of Belgium came to Stockholm at the time of his engagement to the late Queen Astrid, he shared a third class sleeper with two ordinary passengers.
    There are no end of interesting trips and tours that you can make in Sweden. You are advised to get in touch with the nearest Travel Information Bureau, where they will be pleased to give you all the help you may require. Here is a list of some of them:
    Statens Järnvägars Resebyrå, Centralstationen.
    A. B. Nordisk Resebyrå, Operahuset.
    Nyman & Schultz, Arsenalsgatan 9.
    Thomas Cook & Son, Gustaf Adolfs torg 16.
    Svenska Turistföreningen, Stureplan 6.
    Kungl. Automobil Klubben (Royal Automobile Club of Sweden), Södra Blasieholmshamnen 6.
    Aerotransports Flygpaviljong (Information Bureau), Nybroplan.
    G ÖTEBORG (Gothenburg).
    Statens Järnvägars Resebyrå, Centralstationen.
    A. B. Nordisk Resebyrå, Södra Hamngaten 43.
    Kungl. Automobil Klubben (Royal Automobile Club of Sweden), Valand (information for motorists).
    M ALMÖ.
    A. B. Nordisk Resebyrå, Stortorget 9.
    Kungl. Automobil Klubben (Royal Automobile Club of Sweden), Stortorget 17 (information for motorists).
    Hälsingborgs Resebyrå, Järnvägsgatan 25.
    Hälsingborgs Turisttrafikförenings Turistbyrå, Hamntorget 3 (information for motorists).
    Norrköpings Resebyrå, Drottningatan 7.
Suggestions for your Holiday Trip
    It is a well known fact that people who have once seen Sweden want to come back again. Their first visit—a sightseeing place-to-place peregrination in the stereotyped tourist manner—is generally followed by a proper Swedish holiday the following year at one of those delightful seaside places along the west coast, or in the Baltic Archipelago, where you need not bother about dress or the other paraphernalia pertaining to ordinary seasidelife. Here you lead a most unconventional existence, bathing, yachting, fishing, filling your lungs with air fragrant with pine or brine from the sea. There are also numerous summer resorts inland, beautifully situated on the shore of some lake or river, of which there are many in Sweden.
    If, on the other hand, you propose spending a winter holiday in Sweden, I have several suggestions to make. One is to spend Christmas at some cosy hotel in the country, where they observe the quaint old traditions of the season, so jolly and so different from anything you have experienced. In the daytime there is ski-ing or other winter sports and at night dancing, unless you prefer to play bridge. Alternatively, you may join a torchlight sleigh party, driving through snow-laden forest, the silence broken only by the tinkling of bells as the horses trot along.
Low Cost
    Another suggestion is for you to spend a ski-ing holiday in the North of Sweden, where you will find plenty of snow as late as April.
    There is only one “drawback”—you will not be able to spend as much money as you might have to do in other recognised winter sports countries, for there are very few extras even at the most fashionable hotels, while guides and instructors charge quite small fees for their trouble.
    Here are a few suggestions for tours that I can recommend from my own experience:
    (1) Skåne, the “château country” of Sweden. Here is Lund, the University town, which has a fine eleventh century cathedral and a most interesting museum.
    (2) A tour along the eastern shore of Lake Vättern, with beautiful scenery and some interesting stopping places.
    (3) The province of Värmland, with its poetical associations, Karlstad being the best starting-point.
    (4) Dalecarlia, a province famous for its old traditions and quaint customs.
    These tours can also be recommended to motorists and motor cyclists.
    (5) Then there

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