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1936 On the Continent

1936 On the Continent

Titel: 1936 On the Continent Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Eugene Fodor
Vom Netzwerk:
You raise your glass and say “Skål” to your fellow guests. But while the host and hostess have to say “Skål” to each of their guests in turn, a guest must not take the initiative in this. When the party has adjourned to the drawing-room the guest walks up to the host and hostess and says “Tack för maten” (Thank you for the meal). Next time you meet them you say “Tack för sist” (Thank you for last time).
    British subjects must have a passport endorsed for Sweden. A visa is not required.
    1 krona (plural kronor) = 100 öre = about one shilling. £1 = about 19.40 kr. Copper coins, 1, 2 and 5 öre. Silvercoins, 10, 25 and 50 öre, 1 and 2 kr. Banknotes, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 1,000 kr. Money can be changed at the Swedish Travel Bureau, at any other tourist agency, and also on board the Swedish Lloyd steamers, on the Sassnitz-Trälleborg train ferries, at any travel bureau or bank in Sweden, or at the large hotels and restaurants in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and the chief provincial towns.
    The customary tip in restaurants is 10 per cent. of the bill, in hotels 15 per cent. A taxi driver only expects 10 per cent. on the fare, though at night you generally give more. Railway porters have fixed charges. You tip the hotel porter, who takes your luggage to the station, an amount equivalent to the charge made by railway porters.
    Free allowance: On Swedish Lloyd steamers 100 lbs.; on Continental through tickets and the Swedish railways, 56 lbs.; on aeroplanes, 33 lbs.
    Registration: Luggage may be registered through in London to the chief Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Finnish stations.
    Luggage placed in the guard’s van is registered in Sweden even for short journeys.
Customs Examination
    Ten cigars or fifteen cheroots or fifty cigarettes without mouthpiece or 100 cigarettes with mouthpiece or fifty grammes of tobacco may be imported free of duty. A small quantity of alcoholic drinks for personal consumption may be taken into Sweden on payment of duty.
Traffic System
    Traffic in Sweden is left-handed, the same as in England.
Weights and Measures
    Sweden uses the Decimal System.
    1 kilogram (kg.) = 10 hectogram (hg.) = 1,000 grammes = (approx.) 2 lbs.
    1 litre = 10 decilitres (dcl.) = 100 centilitres = (approx.) 1¾ pints.
    1 metre = 10 decimetres (dcm.) = 100 centimetres (cm.) = slightly more than a yard.
    1 mil = 10 kilometres (km.) = (approx.) 6 miles.
    1 hectare (har.) = (approx.) 2½ acres.
    The cost of living in Sweden is cheaper than in England. Hotels and boarding-houses, as well as rail fares, especially for long distances, are considerably cheaper.
Business Hours
    Banks 10-3, Saturdays 10-2 (July-August, 10-1); shops 9-6, including Saturdays, except in the case of large stores during July and August (9-3).
Drink Restrictions
    Spirits are usually served only with meals. At restaurants no spirits are served after midnight, except on extension nights. No restrictions as regards wines and beers.
    The Centigrade thermometer is used everywhere. Freezing point (32 Fahr.) = o° Celsius.
    Sweden has no Summer Time. During English Summer Time Swedish and English clocks synchronise. During the rest of the year Swedish time is one hour ahead of English time.
    You can get to Sweden from England by the following routes:
The Continental Route
    The continental route by rail (from Channel ports) via Hamburg or Berlin (through carriages and sleeping cars from Hamburg and Berlin to Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm). The train-ferry Sassnitz-Trälleborg obviates the necessity of changing for the crossing of the Baltic.
By Air
    London - Malmö, four services, and from July 1st five services daily, via Amsterdam-Hamburg-Copenhagen,6 hours. On the Scandinavian Air Express Route between Amsterdam and Malmö four-engined Fokker planes with accommodation for twenty-two passengers and restaurant.
    London-Gothenburg, one service daily via Amsterdam-(Hamburg)-Copenhagen, 6½ hours.
    London-Stockholm, from July 1st, one service daily and one service every week-day via Amsterdam-Copenhagen-Malmö, 8 hours.
    Liverpool-Malmö, from 1st July, one service daily via Doncaster-Amsterdam-Copenhagen, 9 hours.
    Liverpool-Stockholm, from July 1st, one service daily via Doncaster-Amsterdam-Copenhagen-Malmö, Sundays excepted, 9½ hours.
By Steamer
    London/Tilbury-Gothenburg, sailing from Tilbury on Wednesdays and Saturdays; from Gothenburg on Tuesdays and

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