A Feast for Dragons
Sunspear, old and blind,
—SER MANFREY MARTELL, castellan at Sunspear
—LADY ALYSE LADYBRIGHT, lord treasurer,
—SER GASCOYNE of the Greenblood, Prince Trystane’s sworn
—BORS and TIMOTH, serving men at Sunspear,
—BELANDRA, CEDRA, the sisters MORRA and MELLEI, servingwomen
at Sunspear,
—Prince Doran’s bannermen, the Lords of Dorne:
—ANDERS YRONWOOD, Lord of Yronwood, Warden of the Stone Way,
the Bloodroyal,
—SER CLETUS, his son, known for a lazy eye,
—MAESTER KEDRY, healer, tutor, and counselor,
—HARMEN ULLER, Lord of Hellholt,
—ELLARIA SAND, his natural daughter,
—SER ULWYCK ULLER, his brother,
—DELONNE ALLYRION, Lady of Godsgrace,
—SER RYON, her son and heir,
—SER DAEMON SAND, Ryon’s natural son, the Bastard of
—DAGOS MANWOODY, Lord of Kingsgrave,
—MORS and DICKON, his sons,
—SER MYLES, his brother,
—LARRA BLACKMONT, Lady of Blackmont,
—JYNESSA, her daughter and heir,
—PERROS, her son, a squire,
—NYMELLA TOLAND, Lady of Ghost Hill,
—QUENTYN QORGYLE, Lord of Sandstone,
—SER GULIAN, his eldest son and heir
—SER ARRON, his second son,
—SER DEZIEL DALT, the Knight of Lemonwood,
—SER ANDREY, his brother and heir, called DREY,
—FRANKLYN FOWLER, Lord of Skyreach, called THE OLD HAWK, the
Warden of the Prince’s Pass,
—JEYNE and JENNELYN, his twin daughters,
—SER SYMON SANTAGAR, the Knight of Spottswood,
—SYLVA, his daughter and heir, called SPOTTED SYLVA for her
—EDRIC DAYNE, Lord of Starfall, a squire,
—SER GEROLD DAYNE, called DARKSTAR, the Knight of High
Hermitage, his cousin and bannerman,
—TREBOR JORDAYNE, Lord of the Tor,
—MYRIA, his daughter and heir,
—TREMOND GARGALEN, Lord of Salt Shore,
—DAERON VAITH, Lord of the Red Dunes.
The Starks trace their descent from Brandon the Builder and
the Kings of Winter. For thousands of years, they ruled from Winterfell as
Kings in the North, until Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt, chose to swear
fealty to Aegon the Dragon rather than give battle. When Lord Eddard Stark of
Winterfell was executed by King Joffrey, the northmen foreswore their loyalty
to the Iron Throne and proclaimed Lord Eddard’s son Robb as King in the North.
During the War of the Five Kings, he won every battle, but was betrayed and
murdered by the Freys and Boltons at the Twins during his uncle’s wedding.
{ROBB STARK}, King in the North, King of the Trident, Lord
of Winterfell, eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn of House Tully,
a youth of sixteen called THE YOUNG WOLF, murdered at the Red Wedding,
—{GREY WIND}, his direwolf, killed at the Red Wedding,
—his trueborn siblings:
—SANSA, his sister, m. Tyrion of House Lannister,
—{LADY}, her direwolf, killed at Castle Darry,
—ARYA, a girl of eleven, missing and thought dead,
—NYMERIA, her direwolf, prowling the riverlands,
—BRANDON, called BRAN, a crippled boy of nine, heir to
Winterfell, believed dead,
—SUMMER, his direwolf,
—Bran’s companions and protectors:
—MEERA REED, a maid of sixteen, daughter of Lord Howland
Reed of Greywater Watch,
—JOJEN REED, her brother, thirteen,
—HODOR, a simple boy, seven feet tall,
—RICKON, a boy of four, believed dead,
—SHAGGYDOG, his direwolf, black and savage,
—Rickon’s companion, OSHA, a wildling once captive at
—his bastard half brother, JON SNOW, of the Night’s Watch,
—GHOST, Jon’s direwolf, white and silent,
—Robb’s sworn swords:
MANDERLY, ROBIN FLINT}, slain at the Red Wedding,
—HALLIS MOLLEN, captain of the guards, escorting Eddard
Stark’s bones back to Winterfell,
—JACKS, QUENT, SHADD, guardsmen,
—Robb’s uncles and cousins:
—BENJEN STARK, his father’s younger brother, lost ranging
beyond the Wall, presumed dead,
—{LYSA ARRYN}, his mother’s sister, Lady of the Eyrie, m.
Lord Jon Arryn, slain with a shove,
—their son, ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of
the Vale, a sickly boy,
—EDMURE TULLY, Lord of Riverrun, his mother’s brother, taken
captive at the Red Wedding,
—LADY ROSLIN, of House Frey, Edmure’s bride,
—SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH, his mother’s
uncle, castellan of Riverrun,
—the Young Wolf’s bannermen, the Lords of the North:
—ROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort, the turncloak,
—{DOMERIC}, his trueborn son and heir,
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