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A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

Titel: A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: George R.R. Martin
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red. “Mero shaved his beard, but you grew one, didn’t you? No wonder you looked so bloody familiar . . .”
    â€œYou know him?” Dany asked the exile knight, lost.
    â€œI saw him perhaps a dozen times . . . from afar most often, standing with his brothers or riding in some tourney. But every man in the Seven Kingdoms knew Barristan the Bold.” He laid the point of his sword against the old man’s neck. “
, before you kneels Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, who betrayed your House to serve the Usurper Robert Baratheon.”
    The old knight did not so much as blink. “The crow calls the raven black, and
speak of betrayal.”
    â€œWhy are you here?” Dany demanded of him. “If Robert sent you to kill me, why did you save my life?”
He served the Usurper. He betrayed Rhaegar’s memory, and abandoned Viserys to live and die in exile. Yet if he wanted me dead, he need only have stood aside
. . . “I want the
truth now, on your honor as a knight. Are you the Usurper’s man, or mine?”
    â€œYours, if you will have me.” Ser Barristan had tears in his eyes. “I took Robert’s pardon, aye. I served him in Kingsguard and council. Served with the Kingslayer and others near as bad, who soiled the white cloak I wore. Nothing will excuse that. I might be serving in King’s Landing still if the vile boy upon the Iron Throne had not cast me aside, it shames me to admit. But when he took the cloak that the White Bull had draped about my shoulders, and sent men to kill me that selfsame day, it was as though he’d ripped a caul off my eyes. That was when I knew I must find my true king, and die in his service—”
    â€œI can grant that wish,” Ser Jorah said darkly.
    â€œQuiet,” said Dany. “I’ll hear him out.”
    â€œIt may be that I must die a traitor’s death,” Ser Barristan said. “If so, I should not die alone. Before I took Robert’s pardon I fought against him on the Trident. You were on the other side of that battle, Mormont, were you not?” He did not wait for an answer. “Your Grace, I am sorry I misled you. It was the only way to keep the Lannisters from learning that I had joined you. You are watched, as your brother was. Lord Varys reported every move Viserys made, for years. Whilst I sat on the small council, I heard a hundred such reports. And since the day you wed Khal Drogo, there has been an informer by your side selling your secrets, trading whispers to the Spider for gold and promises.”
    He cannot mean
. . . “You are mistaken.” Dany looked at Jorah Mormont. “Tell him he’s mistaken. There’s no informer. Ser Jorah, tell him. We crossed the Dothraki sea together, and the red waste . . .” Her heart fluttered like a bird in a trap. “Tell him, Jorah. Tell him how he got it wrong.”
    â€œThe Others take you, Selmy.” Ser Jorah flung his longsword to the carpet. “
, it was only at the start, before I came to know you . . . before I came to love . . .”
Do not say that word!
” She backed away from him. “
How could you?
What did the Usurper promise you? Gold, was it gold?” The Undying had said she would be betrayed twice more, once for gold and once for love. “Tell me what you were promised?”
    â€œVarys said . . . I might go home.” He bowed his head.
    I was going to take you home!
Her dragons sensed her fury. Viserion roared, and smoke rose grey from his snout. Drogon beat the air with black wings, and Rhaegal twisted his head back and belched flame.
I should say the word and burn the two of them
. Was there no one she could trust, no one to keep her safe? “Are all the knights of Westeros so false as you two? Get out, before my dragons roast you both. What does roast liar smell like? As foul as Brown Ben’s sewers?
    Ser Barristan rose stiff and slow. For the first time, he looked his age. “Where shall we go, Your Grace?”
    â€œTo hell, to serve King Robert.” Dany felt hot tears on her cheeks. Drogon screamed, lashing his tail back and forth. “The Others can have you both.”
Go, go away forever, both of you, the next time I see your faces I’ll have your traitors’ heads off
. She could not say the words, though.
They betrayed me. But they saved me. But they lied
. “You go .

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