A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle
âTo be sure. Dragons and stags, thatâs very clever. And dwarfâs pennies as well. I have heard of these dwarfâs pennies. No doubt collecting those is
a dreadful chore.â
âI leave the collecting to others, my lady.â
âOh, do you? I would have thought you might want to tend to it yourself. We canât have the crown being cheated of its dwarfâs pennies, now. Can we?â
âGods forbid.â Tyrion was beginning to wonder whether Lord Luthor Tyrell had ridden off that cliff intentionally. âIf you will excuse us, Lady Olenna, it is time we were in our places.â
âMyself as well. Seventy-seven courses, I daresay. Donât you find that a bit
, my lord? I shanât eat more than three or four bites myself, but you and I are very little, arenât we?â She patted Sansaâs hair again and said, âWell, off with you, child, and try to be merrier. Now where have my guardsmen gone? Left, Right, where are you? Come help me to the dais.â
Although evenfall was still an hour away, the throne room was already a blaze of light, with torches burning in every sconce. The guests stood along the tables as heralds called out the names and titles of the lords and ladies making their entrance. Pages in the royal livery escorted them down the broad central aisle. The gallery above was packed with musicians; drummers and pipers and fiddlers, strings and horns and skins.
Tyrion clutched Sansaâs arm and made the walk with a heavy waddling stride. He could feel their eyes on him, picking at the fresh new scar that had left him even uglier than he had been before.
Let them look
, he thought as he hopped up onto his seat.
Let them stare and whisper until theyâve had their fill, I will not hide myself for their sake
. The Queen of Thorns followed them in, shuffling along with tiny little steps. Tyrion wondered which of them looked more absurd, him with Sansa or the wizened little woman between her seven-foot-tall twin guardsmen.
Joffrey and Margaery rode into the throne room on matched white chargers. Pages ran before them, scattering rose petals under their hooves. The king and queen had changed for the feast as well. Joffrey wore striped black-and-crimson breeches and a cloth-of-gold doublet with black satin sleeves and onyx studs. Margaery had exchanged the demure gown that she had worn in the sept for one much more revealing, a confection in pale green samite with a tight-laced bodice that bared her shoulders and the tops of her small breasts. Unbound, her soft brown hair tumbled over her white shoulders and down her back almost to her waist. Around her brows was a slim golden crown. Her smile was shy and sweet.
A lovely girl
, thought Tyrion,
and a kinder fate than my nephew deserves
The Kingsguard escorted them onto the dais, to the seats of honor beneath the shadow of the Iron Throne, draped for the occasion in long silk streamers of Baratheon gold, Lannister crimson, and Tyrell green. Cersei embraced Margaery and kissed her cheeks. Lord Tywin did the same, and then Lancel and Ser Kevan. Joffrey received loving kisses from the brideâs father and his two new brothers, Loras and Garlan. No one seemed in any great rush to kiss Tyrion. When the king and queen had taken their seats, the High Septon rose to lead a prayer.
At least he does not drone as badly as the last one
, Tyrion consoled himself.
He and Sansa had been seated far to the kingâs right, beside Ser Garlan Tyrell and his wife, the Lady Leonette. A dozen others sat closer to Joffrey, which a pricklier man might have taken for a slight, given that he had been the Kingâs Hand only a short time past. Tyrion would have been glad if there had been a hundred.
âLet the cups be filled!â Joffrey proclaimed, when the gods had been given their due. His cupbearer poured a whole flagon of dark Arbor red into the golden wedding chalice that Lord Tyrell had given him that morning. The king had to use both hands to lift it.
âTo my wife the queen!â
â the hall shouted back at him. â
Margaery! Margaery! To the queen!
â A thousand cups rang together, and the wedding feast was well and truly begun. Tyrion Lannister drank with the rest, emptying his cup on that first toast and signaling for it to be refilled as soon as he was seated again.
The first dish was a creamy soup of mushrooms and buttered snails,
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