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A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

Titel: A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: George R.R. Martin
Vom Netzwerk:
to the north, a boy of nine, believed dead,
    â€”Bran’s direwolf, SUMMER,
    â€”Bran companions and protectors:
    â€”MEERA REED, a maid of sixteen, daughter of Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch,
    â€”JOJEN REED, her brother, thirteen,
    â€”HODOR, a simpleminded stableboy, seven feet tall,
    â€”his brother, PRINCE RICKON, a boy of four, believed dead,
    â€”Rickon’s direwolf, SHAGGYDOG,
    â€”Rickon’s companion and protector:
    â€”OSHA, a wildling captive who served as a scullion at Winterfell,
    â€”his half-brother, JON SNOW, a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch,
    â€”Jon’s direwolf, GHOST,
    â€”his uncles and aunts, paternal:
    â€”his father’s elder brother, {BRANDON STARK}, slain at the command of King Aerys II Targaryen,
    â€”his father’s sister, {LYANNA STARK}, died in the Mountains of Dorne during Robert’s Rebellion,
    â€”his father’s younger brother, BENJEN STARK, a man of the Night’s Watch, lost beyond the Wall,
    â€”his uncles, aunts, and cousins, maternal:
    â€”his mother’s younger sister, LYSA ARRYN, Lady of the Eyrie and widow of Lord Jon Arryn,
    â€”their son, ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie,
    â€”his mother’s younger brother, SER EDMURE TULLY, heir to Riverrun,
    â€”his grandfather’s brother, SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH,
    â€”his sworn swords and companions:
    â€”his squire, OLYVAR FREY,
    â€”SER WENDEL MANDERLY, second son to the Lord of White Harbor,
    â€”PATREK MALLISTER, heir to Seagard,
    â€”DACEY MORMONT, eldest daughter of Lady Maege Mormont and heir to Bear Island,
    â€”JON UMBER, called THE SMALLJON, heir to Last Hearth,
    â€”his lords bannermen, captains and commanders:
    â€”(with Robb’s army in the Westerlands)
    â€”SER BRYNDEN TULLY, the BLACKFISH, commanding the scouts and outriders,
    â€”JON UMBER, called THE GREATJON, commanding the van,
    â€”RICKARD KARSTARK, Lord of Karhold,
    â€”GALBART GLOVER, Master of Deepwood Motte,
    â€”MAEGE MORMONT, Lady of Bear Island,
    â€”{SER STEVRON FREY}, eldest son of Lord Walder Frey and heir to the Twins, died at Oxcross,
    â€”Ser Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN FREY,
    â€”Ser Ryman’s son, BLACK WALDER FREY,
    â€”MARTYN RIVERS, a bastard son of Lord Walder Frey,
with Roose Bolton’s host at Harrengal
    â€”ROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort,
    â€”their bastard half-brother, RONEL RIVERS,
    â€”SER WYLIS MANDERLY, heir to White Harbor,
    â€”SER KYLE CONDON, a knight in his service,
    â€”VARGO HOAT of the Free City of Qohor, captain of a sellsword company, the Brave Companions,
    â€”his lieutenant, URSWYCK called THE FAITHFUL,
    â€”his lieutenant, SEPTON UTT,
    TOGG JOTH of Ibben, PYG, THREE TOES, his men,
    â€”QYBURN, a chainless maester and sometime necromancer, his healer,
    â€”(with the northern army attacking Duskendale)
    â€”ROBETT GLOVER, of Deepwood Motte,
    â€”SER HELMAN TALLHART, of Torrhen’s Square,
    â€”HARRION KARSTARK, sole surviving son of Lord Rickard Karstark, and heir to Karhold,
    â€”(traveling north with Lord Eddard’s bones)
    â€”HALLIS MOLLEN, captain of guards for Winterfell,
    â€”JACKS, QUENT, SHADD, guardsmen,
    â€”his lord bannermen and castellans, in the north:
    â€”WYMAN MANDERLY, Lord of White Harbor,
    â€”HOWLAND REED, Lord of Greywater Watch, a crannogman,
    â€”MORS UMBER, called CROWFOOD, and HOTHER UMBER, called WHORESBANE, uncles to Greatjon Umber, joint castellans at the Last Hearth,
    â€”LYESSA FLINT, Lady of Widow’s Watch,
    â€”ONDREW LOCKE, Lord of Oldcastle, an old man,
    â€”{CLEY CERWYN}, Lord of Cerwyn, a boy of fourteen, killed in battle at Winterfell,
    â€”his sister, JONELLE CERWYN, a maid of two-and-thirty, now the Lady of Cerwyn,
    â€”{LEOBALD TALLHART}, younger brother to Ser Helman, castellan at Torrhen’s Square, killed in battle at Winterfell,
    â€”Leobald’s wife, BERENA of House Hornwood,
    â€”Leobald’s son, BRANDON, a boy of fourteen,
    â€”Leobald’s son, BEREN, a boy of ten,
    â€”Ser Helman’s son, {BENFRED}, killed by ironmen on the Stony Shore,
    â€”Ser Helman’s daughter, EDDARA, a girl of nine, heir to Torrhen’s

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