A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle
to the north, a boy of nine, believed dead,
âBranâs direwolf, SUMMER,
âBran companions and protectors:
âMEERA REED, a maid of sixteen, daughter of Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch,
âJOJEN REED, her brother, thirteen,
âHODOR, a simpleminded stableboy, seven feet tall,
âhis brother, PRINCE RICKON, a boy of four, believed dead,
âRickonâs direwolf, SHAGGYDOG,
âRickonâs companion and protector:
âOSHA, a wildling captive who served as a scullion at Winterfell,
âhis half-brother, JON SNOW, a Sworn Brother of the Nightâs Watch,
âJonâs direwolf, GHOST,
âhis uncles and aunts, paternal:
âhis fatherâs elder brother, {BRANDON STARK}, slain at the command of King Aerys II Targaryen,
âhis fatherâs sister, {LYANNA STARK}, died in the Mountains of Dorne during Robertâs Rebellion,
âhis fatherâs younger brother, BENJEN STARK, a man of the Nightâs Watch, lost beyond the Wall,
âhis uncles, aunts, and cousins, maternal:
âhis motherâs younger sister, LYSA ARRYN, Lady of the Eyrie and widow of Lord Jon Arryn,
âtheir son, ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie,
âhis motherâs younger brother, SER EDMURE TULLY, heir to Riverrun,
âhis grandfatherâs brother, SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH,
âhis sworn swords and companions:
âhis squire, OLYVAR FREY,
âSER WENDEL MANDERLY, second son to the Lord of White Harbor,
âPATREK MALLISTER, heir to Seagard,
âDACEY MORMONT, eldest daughter of Lady Maege Mormont and heir to Bear Island,
âJON UMBER, called THE SMALLJON, heir to Last Hearth,
âhis lords bannermen, captains and commanders:
â(with Robbâs army in the Westerlands)
âSER BRYNDEN TULLY, the BLACKFISH, commanding the scouts and outriders,
âJON UMBER, called THE GREATJON, commanding the van,
âRICKARD KARSTARK, Lord of Karhold,
âGALBART GLOVER, Master of Deepwood Motte,
âMAEGE MORMONT, Lady of Bear Island,
â{SER STEVRON FREY}, eldest son of Lord Walder Frey and heir to the Twins, died at Oxcross,
âSer Stevronâs eldest son, SER RYMAN FREY,
âSer Rymanâs son, BLACK WALDER FREY,
âMARTYN RIVERS, a bastard son of Lord Walder Frey,
with Roose Boltonâs host at Harrengal
âROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort,
âtheir bastard half-brother, RONEL RIVERS,
âSER WYLIS MANDERLY, heir to White Harbor,
âSER KYLE CONDON, a knight in his service,
âVARGO HOAT of the Free City of Qohor, captain of a sellsword company, the Brave Companions,
âhis lieutenant, URSWYCK called THE FAITHFUL,
âhis lieutenant, SEPTON UTT,
TOGG JOTH of Ibben, PYG, THREE TOES, his men,
âQYBURN, a chainless maester and sometime necromancer, his healer,
â(with the northern army attacking Duskendale)
âROBETT GLOVER, of Deepwood Motte,
âSER HELMAN TALLHART, of Torrhenâs Square,
âHARRION KARSTARK, sole surviving son of Lord Rickard Karstark, and heir to Karhold,
â(traveling north with Lord Eddardâs bones)
âHALLIS MOLLEN, captain of guards for Winterfell,
âJACKS, QUENT, SHADD, guardsmen,
âhis lord bannermen and castellans, in the north:
âWYMAN MANDERLY, Lord of White Harbor,
âHOWLAND REED, Lord of Greywater Watch, a crannogman,
âMORS UMBER, called CROWFOOD, and HOTHER UMBER, called WHORESBANE, uncles to Greatjon Umber, joint castellans at the Last Hearth,
âLYESSA FLINT, Lady of Widowâs Watch,
âONDREW LOCKE, Lord of Oldcastle, an old man,
â{CLEY CERWYN}, Lord of Cerwyn, a boy of fourteen, killed in battle at Winterfell,
âhis sister, JONELLE CERWYN, a maid of two-and-thirty, now the Lady of Cerwyn,
â{LEOBALD TALLHART}, younger brother to Ser Helman, castellan at Torrhenâs Square, killed in battle at Winterfell,
âLeobaldâs wife, BERENA of House Hornwood,
âLeobaldâs son, BRANDON, a boy of fourteen,
âLeobaldâs son, BEREN, a boy of ten,
âSer Helmanâs son, {BENFRED}, killed by ironmen on the Stony Shore,
âSer Helmanâs daughter, EDDARA, a girl of nine, heir to Torrhenâs
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