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A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle

Titel: A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: George R.R. Martin
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“The bird would have no
way to find him.”
    Utherydes Wayn coughed. “Before he left us, the young king instructed us to
send you on to the Twins upon your return, Lady Stark. He asks that you learn
more of Lord Walder’s daughters, to help him select his bride when the time
    â€œWe’ll provide you with fresh mounts and provisions,” her

brother promised. “You’ll want to refresh yourself
    â€œI’ll want to stay,” Catelyn said, dismounting. She had no intention of
leaving Riverrun and her dying father to pick Robb’s wife for him.
wants me safe, I cannot fault him for that, but his pretext is growing
“Boy,” she called, and an urchin from the stables ran out to
take the reins of her horse.
    Edmure swung down from his saddle. He was a head taller than she was, but he
would always be her little brother. “Cat,” he said unhappily, “Lord Tywin is
    â€œHe is making for the west, to defend his own lands. If we close our gates and
shelter behind the walls, we can watch him pass with safety.”
    â€œThis is Tully land,” Edmure declared. “If Tywin Lannister thinks to cross
it unbloodied, I mean to teach him a hard lesson.”
    The same lesson you taught his son?
Her brother could be stubborn as
river rock when his pride was touched, but neither of them was likely to forget
how Ser Jaime had cut Edmure’s host to bloody pieces the last time he had
offered battle. “We have nothing to gain and everything to lose by meeting
Lord Tywin in the field,” Catelyn said tactfully.
    â€œThe yard is not the place to discuss my battle plans.”
    â€œAs you will. Where shall we go?”
    Her brother’s face darkened. For a moment she thought he was about to lose his
temper with her, but finally he snapped, “The godswood. If you will
    She followed him along a gallery to the godswood gate.

Edmure’s anger had always been a sulky, sullen thing. Catelyn was sorry she had
wounded him, but the matter was too important for her to concern herself with
his pride. When they were alone beneath the trees, Edmure turned to face
    â€œYou do not have the strength to meet the Lannisters in the field,” she said
    â€œWhen all my strength is marshaled, I should have eight thousand foot and
three thousand horse,” Edmure said.
    â€œWhich means Lord Tywin will have near twice your numbers.”
    â€œRobb’s won his battles against worse odds,” Edmure replied, “and I have a
plan. You’ve forgotten Roose Bolton. Lord Tywin defeated him on the Green Fork,
but failed to pursue. When Lord Tywin went to Harrenhal, Bolton took the ruby
ford and the crossroads. He has ten thousand men. I’ve sent word to Helman
Tallhart to join him with the garrison Robb left at the
    â€œEdmure, Robb left those men to
the Twins and make certain Lord
Walder keeps faith with us.”
    â€œHe has,” Edmure said stubbornly. “The Freys fought bravely in the
Whispering Wood, and old Ser Stevron died at Oxcross, we hear. Ser Ryman and
Black Walder and the rest are with Robb in the west, Martyn has been of great
service scouting, and Ser Perwyn helped see you safe to Renly. Gods be good,
how much more can we ask of them? Robb’s betrothed to one of Lord Walder’s
daughters, and Roose Bolton wed another, I hear. And haven’t you taken two of
his grandsons to be fostered at Winterfell?”
    â€œA ward can easily become a hostage, if need be.” She had

not known that Ser Stevron was dead, nor of Bolton’s marriage.
    â€œIf we’re two hostages to the good, all the more reason Lord Walder dare not
play us false. Bolton needs Frey’s men, and Ser Helman’s as well. I’ve
commanded him to retake Harrenhal.”
    â€œThat’s like to be a bloody business.”
    â€œYes, but once the castle falls, Lord Tywin will have no safe retreat. My own
levies will defend the fords of Red Fork against his crossing. If he attacks
across the river, he’ll end as Rhaegar did when he tried to cross the Trident.
If he holds back, he’ll be caught between Riverrun and Harrenhal, and when Robb
returns from the west we can finish him for good and all.”
    Her brother’s voice was full of brusque confidence, but Catelyn

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